.Chapter 2.

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It was a normal and calming day for the ADA was what Chuuya would like to say. It was the total opposite. All the ADA members rushing around and there was a hectic atmosphere in the office. Atsushi and Kyouka rushing around, asking the rest for feedback. Kunikida just doing his report without even bothering about his surroundings. The blonde was too focused on his work to care anyway. Tanizaki and his sister surprisingly doing work and not Naomi not being clingy as always. After that mafia incident, where most of the ADA members got kidnapped, the president of the ADA declared more information about the mafia. It seems that the mafia has gotten stronger after the previous boss's death.


"I will need all of you to focus on getting more information about the mafia. It seems that they have some new members and became even stronger. That would be a problem for us as we are their main target now." Fukuzawa announced as he sighed after finishing his sentence. 

"Is it because of the new boss?" Kunikida added as his posture straightened. Fukuzawa didn't answer but sighed once more. "It seems so...It seems that the new port mafia boss is the main reason why the mafia became stronger. That's why I want you all to find out how he did it and how to defend ourselves from them." Everyone nodded in agreement as they started thinking of possibilities. 



"Number of new members?"

The possibilities went on as everyone named one.

Chuuya sitting beside Kunikida and Rampo kept silent the whole time. Kunikida, upon noticog that, suggested, not looking up from his notebook. "You have anything to suggest, Nakahara?" Chuuya, obviously not expecting that sudden question, kept silent before answering, his voice low, "I think it's because the new boss has a brain of a prodigy." He rolled his eyes at the end as Fukuzawa looked like it piqued his interest. "What makes you say that?" Chuuya answered immediately, not even hesitating. "If you observe, the new boss's methods of attacking, formation and timing is all different and more effective than the previous boss's ways. That was the main reason why most of our members were kammost kidnapped by them without much of a fuss. His ability is a pain in the neck too." Everyone's eyes widened as they admitted that everything Chuuya said was true. 

"May I ask what is his ability then?" Fukuzawa continued as he slowly sat down on his seat. Everyone agreed as all eyes turned to Chuuya. Upon realising how many eyes were on him, Chuuya coughed a few times before he answered. "No longer human. He can nullify any other ability if he touches you. It's a total pain in the neck." Eye wide, the members of the ADA turned to face Fukuzawa who was also taken aback. "My, I have to say, I never heard of that type of ability before..this might give us more trouble. Avoid him at all costs." With that last statement, the president dismissed everyone. Atsushi was first to pat Chuuya on the back, "Don't worry. We won't lose." He encouraged as Chuuya gave Atsushi a small smile. Atsushi smiled back before walking away to start findings information. Chuuya's smile slowly faded as he felt that he lost all the motivation of searching for information. It was a tedious job as he had to make references, talk and interview different people and even risk your life to find even more valuable information. Chuuya and no troubles in doing it but he just was the impatient type and didn't like doing work which he couldn't do finish in one day. 

 Chuuya spun in his chair, he felt utterly lazy today. Was it the weather? The boredom fogging his brain was cleared when he heard someone place his or her hands on the table. "Nakahara san, I need you to go to the nearby shop to buy more medical supplies for me. Can you do that?" Chuuya looked up to see a purple hair lady, known as Yasano, also the ADA's excellent doctor, staring right back at him. Chuuya nodded as he got off his seat and stretched. With a thank you, Yasano left to her small office near the exit and closed the door with a small slam. Based on his previous shopping experiences, Yasano must need scissors, cotton woods and alcohol. With those 3 items in mind, Chuuya left for the shop near the ADA. At least, he now has something to do.

As Chuuya took his own sweet time to choose the items needed, he didn't feel like going back that soon either. That was when he noticed something. He hastily took the necessary items and his behind went to the opposige shelf. I guess his height actually was an advantage for him in this kind of situations, he could hide well. Three figures with suits came into sight. Two brunettes and one blonde. Chuuya recognised the blonde. She was that girl who always followed Akutagawa,  Higuchi was it? They looked around as Chuuya warily made his way to the side of the shelf,  pulling his hood up. He was thinking of eavesdropping but it was risky so his main objective was to leave the shop as soon aa possible. If he could jear a bit of their conversation, that'll be good.

His hand in a fist,  Chuuya slowly but steadily went towards the next shelf. Howevwr,  as if the three mafiaso knew someone was there,  they followed and they were at the opposite side of the shelf. That's when Chuuya heard a suspectanzly important part of their conversation. "Boss says that we would attack the ADA again tommorow, noon." Chuuya recognised that voice. It waa Higuchi's.  Another male,  probably Higuchi's guards added,  "Why? We lost just previously. " Higuchi coughed a few times awkwardly,  "Probably because of the ginger, you know the traitor." The two man mumbles in agreement as they made their way tot he side of the shelf Chuuya was at. Chuuya pulled at his hood and faced away from the three people. He had to tell the rest of the ADA about the attack before it waa too late.

As Higuchi searched through the shelves, she accidently bumped into Chuuya unexpectantly. "Sorry, my bad." Higuchi apologised as Chuuya tried looking away but his ginger hair was a tall tale sign. Higuchi stared for a while before shrugging. Chuuya sighed in relief as he straightened his posture and started walking to the cashier. I guess he could at keast buy the supplies first. That was when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He felt his heart skip a bit. "Sorry, do i know you? " Chuuya didn't look back but just replied,  lowering his voice to make it sound less like his. "Um... Probably not. I'm in a bit of a rush,  so could you let go? "Higuchi apologised politely but perservered. "I need to see your face to confirm. Us, port mafia is searching for someone and your hair colour is the same as that person... " Chuuya clicked his tongue in frustration as he used his ability to make the the two malea behind them trip and fall. One of the males yellped out in pain. Chuya succedded as Higuchi imediately went and check on the male. Chuuya decided to desert the supplies and leave the store immediately. When Higuchi looked back, the ginger was missing. Her mind clicked as she took out her phone,  "Akutagawa senpai, I've met the target. He's probably leaving the store now!" Akutagawa ont he other line, coughed a few times before humming in response. He looked down from the roof he was on. He saw a hooded figure and it piqued his interest. "Saw him. Higuchi, one street away, get more reinforcements!" The blonde shouted a yes before heading back to the mafia base.

On Akutagawa's side, he knew how scary Chuuya's abilut can be and he wasn't named the best martial artist in port mafia for nothing. He might have fooled the agency that he was an innocent man with no sins. However, he was known as a traitor in the port mafia. The boss madr sure of that so that he could get Chuuya back. Chuuya left his own lover to turn over a new leaf. However,  Chuuya's lover wasn't the type to break down and cry. He was the type who would stop at nothing until he get's back what is his.

I'm sure you all know who was Chuuya's lover is now...

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