At the party

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I couldn't even remember why Mina was throwing a party. But it probably wasn't because of some big reason – knowing Mina, it could've been just because we needed to 'take a break and have some fun'.

Take a break and have some fun apparently meant throw one of the biggest parties in the neighbourhood. Minas parents were off the city over the weekend and allowed her to bring over some friends.

I guess they didn't recall that Mina has 'a lot of friends'. And when I say lot, I mean really, really lot.


A whole house was full of people. And that was something to say, because her house was one of the bigger ones. I mean – three bathrooms?!? Who the hell needs that many bathrooms? Okay, maybe better question – who can allow to have so many bathrooms?

It looked like Minas parents could. I took an imaginary note to ask Mina, what are her parents doing for living. I squeezed through the people (sidenote – I didn't know any of them) in the hall.

I managed to get into living room. There was improvised - Is that a DJ table? and dancing floor - once again – full of dancing and shouting people. Some of them were holding a typical red cup with some liquid – I would bet my money that it was alcohol.

At first, I couldn't see anybody familiar, but then I recognized typical stiff posture and glasses in the middle of a dancing floor. I couldn't hold my laugh. Iida was apparently having a time of his life and was dancing like a robot between other people from UA, that I didn't see at first.

There were Deku, Ochaco, Todoroki and Tsuyu, dancing and jumping to the rhythm of the music. From the cups they were holding, and red cheeks and relaxed movements was more than clear that they were already drunk. They didn't seem to notice me.

I left them having their fun and decided to go find kitchen – both because of some booze and to also find somebody from Baku-squad.


In the kitchen weren't that many people, but it still was plenty. I made my way to the kitchen counter and pour myself some drink from a bottle standing there.

I looked out of the window and blinked a few times. If my eyes weren't deceiving me, there was a some kind of tape cocoon?, hanging from a tree. What the hell? I rubbed my eyes – cocoon was still there. In the next second it started squirming and I saw something purple.

I quickly turned around with a cup in my hand and pretended that the cocoon wasn't there. I looked around the room. None of my friends were here. I wanted to leave and go look around somewhere else when something caught my eye. There was a really dark in the corner of the room.

I moved my head... and realised that it's just Tokoyami and Shoji hanging out together in the corner, aside from others. I waved at them. Shoji lifted one of his hands and Tokoyami just nodded his head in greeting.

I decided to go chat with them for a while and maybe get some info about Mina and others. But it only took me two steps, before someone jumped on my back. When I turned around, I saw Mina with big grin on her face.

"Hey, you're finally here! Come on, we are playing some party games upstairs!" With that she grabbed my hands and pulled me away before I could say anything. 

What happens in closet stays in closet (Bakugo x Kirishima x reader)Where stories live. Discover now