In the closet

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"Y/N, you little traitor. You are as good as dead." He growled in low, dangerous voice.

I tried to get as far from him as I possibly could, but in the closet wasn't that much of space, thanks to all the clothes shoved to the sides.

"Auch, Y/N wait, you're pushing me. There isn't too much space." Kirishima squirmed as I tried to squeeze behind him.

Out of nowhere, I felt a hand, grabbing my neck from behind. I yelped in fear and grabbed onto the closest thing - Kirishima.

"I'm going to kill you!" Shouted Bakugo. I was praying that he wouldn't activate his quirk.

"Nooo!" I yelled, still clinging to Kiri.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, IM SORRY! I won't do that ever again!"

"Damn right, you won't. You will be dead!"

"No, please, mercy!"

"Mercy? Who the hell do you think I am?" laughed Bakugo.

"Come on guys, don't fight," Kiri tried to calm the situation down.

"Don't fight?! Did you see what she did? She pushed me into this damn closet and now I'm stuck with you idiots here!"

"I know man, Okay? But fighting isn't going to get us out of here. It's just 15 minutes. We just have to wait, and Mina will come back and let us out.

I have never been so grateful to Kirishima. Damn, I wanted to kiss him again for calming down King explosion murder dynamight and saving my life.

But Bakugo wasn't going to let go that easily.

"Wait? As if, Shitty hair. I'm not sitting here and letting those f*ckers across the hall laugh at us."

"What? Are you afraid, that they are going to think that we really make out here?" I smirked, forgetting for a second about the situation I was in seconds ago.

"Sh-shut up." Bakugou stuttered. My eyes went wide. He stuttered? Did that really happen? Doesn't that mean that I'm right?

It was around that moment I realized how small the closet was for three people. I could feel Bakugo's body behind me and Kirishima's solid chest (still with that stupid bra) in front of me as I was clinging onto him. When I realized what I was doing, I tried to move back a little, but only to bump into Bakugo.

I stopped moving after he growled at me,

"So, what are we going to now idiots?" Bakugo changed the subject.

"I dunno. We can... talk?" Said Kirishima uncertainly.

Bakugo only huffed. There was another pause of silence for a while after that. Nobody said anything. We could only hear each other breaths echoing in the closet.

"So, how are you enjoying the party so far?" Asked Kirishima, trying to begin the conversation. But it wasn't a good idea to ask specifically that. It was as if he ignited a bomb.

"HOW IM ENJOYING PARTY? I didn't even want to go, but you must drag me here, stupid Shitty hair! And now I'm stuck in the closet with you two!" Yelled Bakugo

Kirishima jumped a little when Bakugo started yelling.

"I'm sorry Bakubro. I thought that it would be nice to spend some time together at the party. I didn't know that Mina was going to throw the biggest party in the whole history of the city. Even though I should have seen that one coming. I'm really sorry I forced you to come." I didn't have to see his face to know he was sad. I could imagine him looking like as kicked puppy. I silently grabbed his hand to comfort him a little.

Bakugo grunted and sighed.

Then he sighted one more time. "It's Okay, Shitty hair. We will wait and after Racoon eyes will set us free. I will go home and you two can continue having your fun." The last part he mumbled, but we could still hear it.


"Don't try to deny it. I saw you two looking at each other when you had to kiss." I could swear that I heard ... sadness in his voice?

"What do you mean by that man?" Asked Kirishima, confused. But I already realized what was this probably about.

"Are you... jealous? That we kissed?" I asked slowly and turned around, even though I couldn't see him into the face because of the dark.

"Jealous? No way! As I would be jealous of you two dumbasses." He tried to deny it. But that only confirmed what I have said. And I wasn't the only one to realize that.

"Bakugo..." Kiri said softly. He really cared about his best friend and didn't want him to feel missed out.

"Don't 'Bakugo' me!"

I heard a shifting as Bakugo crossed his arms on his chest, embarrassed about the whole situation.

An idea crossed my mind. I smirked.

"So, you are jealous that I shared a kiss with Kirishima," I said and leaned closer to him in the dark where I thought his lips were. "And not with you?"

"What? No. No way."

"So, you don't want to kiss any of us?" I was playing a dangerous game.

"What?!" Asked both boys at the same time.

"Well, Bakugo is obviously jealous and I'm curious about which one of us he is jealous," I stated. "So how about we both gave it a shot and then we will find out."

"Stop spouting bullshit, Y/N. No way any of you two idiots is going to kiss me!" Shouted Bakugo. "Where the hell is the damn Racoon eyes when I need her." He tried to forcibly open the door.

I felt Kiri move behind me. To my surprise, he hummed as he was thinking about my idea. "I think we could give it a try if Bakubro is feeling that way." I realized that alcohol must have had a bigger effect on him than I was expecting. Otherwise, he wouldn't agree, at least not that easily. But it worked in my favor.

I smirked again. I reached out my hand and put it on Bakugo's face. He stopped cursing and froze.

"Y/N..." He sounded uncertain about what to do. That only made me make my move. I pressed my lips against his.

He just stood there, frozen.

I started slowly moving my lips, wanting his to join mine.

And that really happened.

He responded and started to take over the kiss. I tried to resist, but he growled and grabbed me behind my neck to assert dominance.

I let it go and opened my mouth. He didn't hesitate and made his way inside with his tongue. I slightly moaned as I wasn't expecting him to be this forward.

He leaned onto me, making me lose my balance. I fell back onto Kirishima. His body straightened out behind me.

He squirmed silently. "Come on guys, you're somewhat eager. What if Mina will come back?" He said nervously.

Bakugo broke from the kiss. "Don't care about damn pinky right now."

I chuckled. Before I kissed Bakugo I blocked the lock, so no one could open the doors without me undoing it. But I didn't tell guys to leave the impression that somebody could anytime swing the doors open and expose us.

"Come on, big guy, relax," I laughed and turned around to face Kiri. Bakugo wasn't happy that I turned my attention away from him, so at least he put his hands on my waist, leaning on my back to stay close.

What happens in closet stays in closet (Bakugo x Kirishima x reader)Where stories live. Discover now