Confession and freedom

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"Calm down, Shitty hair. I didn't mean it, " Bakugo said in a calming manner. "I know that you wouldn't do something like that without permission."

"Thanks, Bakubro. I'm glad that you don't think that I am the same as Mineta. It was really just an incident. I wasn't trying to... anything," the red-haired boy was still feeling bad about what happened.

"I know, I know," Bakugo nodded.

The closet felt silent after that. I was trying to collect myself again. But my composure was thrown off balance one more time with Bakugo's next sentence.

"So, can I touch your chest too?"

My eyes widened.

"Excuse me, come again, what?!" I was at a loss for words.

He brought me closer.

"I'm asking," Bakugo's voice was unusually quiet and hoarse, "if you would let me also touch your chest."

My brain short-circuited.

He leaned to my ear. "You wouldn't mind me to also touch, would you?""

"W-what?" I stuttered again, still not believing my ears. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks. "Are you for real?"

"I am."

The red-haired boy finally caught his breath again, after being also shocked by Bakugo's words. "But why do you want to do that? It was just an accident before!" He tried to take Bakugo's shoulders, but the blonde boy was faster and somehow (I have no idea how he did it in such a crowded place) switched his position with me. Then he leaned me against Kirishima. The red-haired boy caught me, one hand on my hip, second on my shoulder.

I realized that we were pressed skin on, only my crop top dividing us from waist up. I could feel his body heat. His body was hot, and his skin was too, making me feel like I was burning at the places where he touched me. I felt even more blood rushing into my cheeks (if that were even possible) as his naked skin was pressed onto mine. Kirishima took a sharp breath, letting me know I wasn't the only one feeling that.

It almost made me forget about Bakugo.

But just almost.

"Why do I want to do that?" He repeated Kirishima's answer. "It's simple, you got to touch, so I want to touch them too. Wasn't it you two idiots, who started it with the equivalence bullshit? So, what's so bad about me not wanting to be left out?"

When I wasn't saying anything, he growled.

"You asked me if I was jealous before. And I was jealous as hell, okay? When I saw you two kissing, meanwhile I was there just sitting and looking at you, I was jealous because of both of you. I want you idiots to be mine and I want to be part of this thing too. Did I make myself clear?" Except for the last part, he sounded more vulnerable than I have ever heard him sound.

There was a silence for a moment. Then he added more quietly. "Of course, if you are okay with that. Or whatever." He sounded unsure as if he realized what he did say and didn't know how we would react.

Kirishima spoke first, with a soft voice. "Oh, Bakugo. I didn't know you were feeling this way too. I also want to be with both of you guys and do these things with you. I am really glad that it was you two with whom I had to do these things this evening. So, I guess I see it the same way as you two?" He laughed nervously.

I nodded, but then I realized that they couldn't see me. "To be honest, I also wanted to get closer to you guys. Like more than friends," I scratched my head and nervously laughed. "Well, I still didn't expect to end up with you two in the closet. But, from all people, you two are the only ones who I wanted to get locked up in the closet, so I guess this worked in my favor. "

What happens in closet stays in closet (Bakugo x Kirishima x reader)Where stories live. Discover now