An incident

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"So, you do like both of us?"

"I don't hate you, I guess." Ash blond boy grunted.

"You do like us," I realized it was the closest to confession from him we could get.

"Aww man..." Kirishima sounded touched.


Bakugo, on the other hand, was embarrassed. "No way, dumbass." He tried to move from Kirishima, but that only led to bumping into me.

Because of the dark, I couldn't see that one coming and ended up losing balance. I hit my back onto the side of the closet.

I hissed and let out a curse under my breath.

"Y/N? What happened? Are you okay?" worried Kirishima.

"Oi, nerd. You good? Damn it Kirishima, don't push me!" I felt somebody reaching for me. The only problem was that he didn't grab my hand, shoulder, or whatever he was trying to reach. He touched... something else.

"What...? That's weird..." said Kirishima, who couldn't see what he touched because of the dark. Alcohol had its way with him, so his thinking was slower.

"What's weird, Shittyhair?" Asked Bakugo.

"What is that? It's... soft and... squishy?"

With those words, he automatically tried to squeeze it. I let out a small groan.


"Stop squeezing it, dumbass. That's... my boob." I was blushing like mad and for once I was grateful for the dark.

"What?!?" He panicked. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... I'm so sorry Y/N. I didn't want to touch... Or anything."

On the other hand, Bakugo burst out laughing. "You call yourself manly and yet you go straight for second base after you just got your first kiss, Shittyhair?" He managed to say, between laughs.

"Bakuuugo." Whined Kirishima. "I just wanted to help Y/N. That was just an accident."

"Just an accident, right, whatever you say, man, " Bakugo kept on laughing.

"Bakugooo." Kirishima's face was as red as his hair.

The ash-blond boy knew he had the upper hand now and decided to take revenge for before. "So, what you are saying, is that you didn't want to touch her boobs? Are they that bad or something?" Teased Bakugo poor Kiri.

"Yes! ... No! ... I mean... Arghh!" Kirishima caught his head. "Why are you making me say those things? That isn't manly from you at all!"

"And to touch girls boobs without her permission is manly, Kirishima?" Bakugo was still laughing. He was too damn happy that he managed to catch Kiri in the trap.

I would be really amazed to hear him laugh so much, but with each word, I wished to bury myself deep under the ground.

Kirishima was stuttering as he was trying to explain his innocence.

Bakugo finally calmed down a little. "That's okay, dumb hair. I'm just messing with you and Speedy over here."

"Bakuuugo." We both whined, and I nudged him under the ribcage, still red to the roots of my hair. "That wasn't funny."

"To me, it was funny as hell, " he chuckled.

"Tssch," I borrowed Bakugo's favorite answer, as I was frowning in the dark.

Bakugo didn't say anything, but he was still chuckling to himself.

"As I was saying, it was j-just an incident, alright? I really didn't want to... eh ... touch Y/N's chest or something like that." Kirishima was still trying to clear his name.

I crossed my arms before said chest.

"Can we change the subject, please?!" I asked, trying to gather the rest of my pride and confidence.

What happens in closet stays in closet (Bakugo x Kirishima x reader)Where stories live. Discover now