The truth?

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He leaned onto me, making me lose my balance. I fell back onto Kirishima. His body straightened out behind me.

He squirmed silently. "Come on guys, you're somewhat eager. What if Mina will come back?" He said nervously.

Bakugo broke from the kiss. "Don't care about damn pinky right now."

I chuckled. Before I kissed Bakugo I blocked the lock, so no one could open the doors without me undoing it. But I didn't tell guys to leave the impression that somebody could anytime swing the doors open and expose us.

"Come on, big guy, relax," I laughed and turned around to face Kiri. Bakugo wasn't happy that I turned my attention away from him, so at least he put his hands on my waist and leaned on my back to stay close.


The red-haired boy still didn't seem comfortable about the whole situation. I still wanted to test out how would Bakugo react if Kirishima kissed him. But first, I had to calm down Kirishima. Fortunately, there was an easy way to fix that.

"How about a second lesson," I said in a conservational voice.

"Second lesson? What second lesson?" He sounded confused.

I leaned closer to his face and whispered: "In kissing. We already had our first lesson and because you did great, I think it's time to move on. Just do as I will."

"W-what? What are you..." Before he could finish, I went on and connected our lips for the second time that evening.

We started kissing without tongues, but not for long. I brushed his lips with my tongue. He opened his mouth a little, not sure what he was supposed to do. I made my way into his mouth.

Kirishima took a surprised breath. I moved my tongue, touching and brushing his. He quickly realized what I was trying to do and repeated my actions.

Before I knew it, we were in a deep kiss. I felt my stomach flutter as our tongues were exploring the mouth of the other one. None of us wanted to end it first.

Suddenly I felt somebody kissing and biting my neck. Bakugo got bored and decided to join.

I pulled from the kiss. I almost forgot about Kiri's pointy teeth, but fortunately, I managed not to cut with them.

We both were trying to catch our breaths.

Bakugo also stopped and rested his head on my shoulder.

"What now?" asked Kirishima, still gasping for air.

"Now is your time to shine. I taught you everything I could. You are a damn quick learner you know that?" I laughed, finally catching my breath.

"My time to shine?" Kirishima was confused.

"Yeah, did you forget? We wanted to find out which one of us is Bakugo jealous of."

"I'm not jealous," Bakugo snarled, but we ignored him.

I crouched down and crawled beneath Bakugo. I then stood up behind him and pushed him onto Kirishima before he could turn around to face me.

I heard Kirishima's surprised gasp. "Bakugo? Is that you?"

"Of course it's me, who else would it be? We are the only ones in this stupid closet, you know." Bakugo growled. "Get off me Shitty hair."

I heard Kiri chuckle. From the way it sounded, he got a grasp on the opportunity pretty quickly. "Not so fast man. Did you forget?"

"Forget what?" Growled Bakugo.

"We still haven't found out who are you jealous of."

"You too Shittyhair? Stop with that bull... Hey, what do you think you're doing? Stop it Hair-" Bakugo was interrupted by Kirishima, who probably tried to kiss him.

There was a sound of a short fight, but from what I could say it ended pretty quickly. After that, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of kissing.

I smirked. My plan worked out. Thank god that Kiri had enough alcohol so he was bold enough to kiss Bakugo. Anybody with a double-digit IQ would realize that Kiri liked Bakugo for a while, but the red-haired boy was too shy to do something and express his feelings towards Blasty.

Damn, I wish I could see who was winning over the kiss right now. I was curious if Bakugo took over or if Kirishima stayed dominant.

After some time, they finally divided, both gasping for air.

"So, what is your answer?" Kirishima asked when he had enough air to do that.

"Damn it, both of you," gnarled Bakugo.

Kirishima chuckled. "That was meant as a swear or as an answer?"

Bakugo just mumbled something under his teeth.

"I'm sorry man but I couldn't hear you. What did you..."

"Answer! You idiots..."

"Wait, so you were jealous because of both of us? Does that mean that..."

"I don't know, okay?! I don't know what I felt. I just get these weird feelings seeing you idiots together without me. But it's not as if I care or something! Stop asking me stupid questions!"

"Bakugo..." said Kirishima softly.

I was surprised. I mean, I kinda expected it to be this case, but hearing my expectations being confirmed was still something.

"So, you do like both of us?"

"I don't hate you, I guess." Ash blond boy grunted.

"You really do like us," I realized it was the closest to confession from him we could get.

What happens in closet stays in closet (Bakugo x Kirishima x reader)Where stories live. Discover now