The kiss and the trap

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Then it landed on me. Sero with devilish eyes looked around and his eyes stopped on... 

"You have to kiss Kirishima!" he claimed. I looked at red haired boy.

Poor Kiri was red as his hair. I wasn't sure if it was okay from me to kiss him. I mean - he probably hasn't kiss anybody yet. I couldn't just go and steal his first kiss.

No way. I couldn't do that to him. I will have to sacrifice piece of clothing. With a sigh I took edge of my crop top.

"Wait!" Kirishima shouted.

I looked at him with confused look.

"Do it. It's okay."

"Are you sure? I can just take off..."

"Do it." his gaze was glued to the floor. "It's okay. "

"Alright, if you say so..." I still wasn't feeling sure about this, but I still moved closer.

Kiri gave me nervous look. His red eyes were wide open and fluttering between my face and others.

That only confirmed me my suspicion. It was going to be his first kiss.

I sit down before him. "Hey, don't look at them. Imagine that they are not here, okay?" I said quietly, so only he could hear me.

He nervously nodded, looking on his knees. I put one of my palms on his cheek and he finally looked up at me.

"Don't worry, just repeat what I will do, okay?"


"Alright, here I go," I said mostly to myself. I leaned closer and closed my eyes. I tried to ignore others cheering at us when I pressed my lips onto his.

He was stiff, so I took his hand and pressed it lightly. He pressed it back which I took as a good sign. I began to slowly move my lips and he was repeating it as I told him.

For his first kiss he was doing great. I couldn't help but to smile. He was a fast learner. Maybe too fast. He started to take over the kiss and it became more and more intensive.

After some time that seemed like hours we pulled from the kiss, gasping for air.

"Good job," I whispered and smiled at him. Others were whistling and going wild. Sero and Kaminari patted Kirishima's back and Mina showed me thumbs up.

I could feel blood running to my cheeks and Kirishima was also blushing as mad. When I went to sit down to my place, I caught Bakugo's gaze. He was looking at me and Kirishima with a weird expression. I tried to identify the emotion hidden in it, but before I could do so he turned away and started staring into his cup. Weird.

After this passed a few more rounds. It was obvious that alcohol was having a big influence and people were losing constraints. Round before we closed Jiro and Kaminari into Mina's closet for seven (in fact fifteen) minutes in heaven. Even though everybody was curious about the outcome, we decided to continue playing in the meantime.

And that was where it went wrong. Mina spined the bottle and it landed on Bakugo. He was (un)lucky for all this time so it was first it landed on him from the time we started to give a kiss-dares. And Mina was the one to give him dare. Poor lad.

I really didn't like the look on Mina's face, when she smiled. But before anything, she leaned to me and whispered 'I'm gonna need your help. Are you in?' It took me only one second, before I agreed. Pass the opportunity to make a fun from Bakugo? Who does she think I am? I couldn't miss that even if it meant Bakugo is going to kill me afterwards. And considering his approach so far - I was 100% dead. But what wouldn't I do for some fun, right?

Mina turned towards Bakugo again. He gave her annoyed look and crossed arms before his bare chest.

"I dare you to seven minutes in heaven with Kiri!" She exclaimed loudly, pointing at poor spiky-haired boy.

"What?!?" Kirishima and Bakugo were shocked. But Mina already grabbed Kirishima before he could protest and drag him out of the room. She opened the door on the other side of the hall. It was bedroom of her parents and there was a big closet, slightly bigger than the one she had. She swinged it open and shoved frozen Kirishima inside.

"There is no f*cking way I'm going to go into that closet you f*ck," yelled Bakugo. He was standing, still in her room, and I realised, what Mina needed me to do.

I activated my quirk – superspeed. Yep, I was kinda like Quicksilver from X-Men. Thanks to that, I was faster and also could move bigger and heavier objects than I was. For example, objects like Bakugo.

I grabbed him before he could protest or resist and ran with him into next room before he could realise what is happening. Because of fact that we were indoors, and I drank some alcohol, it took me about three seconds to get to the closet. I realised that I have to deactivate my quirk too late, so we both hard landed onto clothes and back of the closet next to Kirishima.

"Are you f*cking..." Bakugo started yelling.

I quickly turned around to jump out, but I saw that doors were already closing.

"WAIT!" I yelled, pure panic in my voice. "IM STILL INSIDE!"

I punched the doors a few times, but doors were already locked. I could hear Mina giggling. "Have fun kids! Mama will be back in 15 minutes!"

With that we heard door shut. I couldn't see anything inside the closet. Bakugo was still yelling and cursing next to me, and I felt Kirishima's body heat next to my left hand.

I gulped when I realised in what situation I am. Bakugo is going to murder me in the closet for dragging him here after he realises that it's useless to yell at Mina.

And that came faster than I would have wish. 

What happens in closet stays in closet (Bakugo x Kirishima x reader)Where stories live. Discover now