The game is starting

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"OKAY, LETS GO, LADIES AND GENTLEMANS!" shouted Mina and spined the bottle.

It landed on poor Jiro.

"Truth or dare?" Mina asked with devilish smile.

"Um...Truth?" Jiro seemed nervous.

"Do you like somebody in this room," shot Mina.

Jiro just blushed and take off her hoodie. And that was just the beginning.


After some (read many) rounds everyone had fewer clothes and more alcohol inside stomach than at the beginning.

I must confess that it was surprisingly fun. Kaminari was dared to dance and sing California gurls (we could have laughed our asses off, especially Jiro, and Mina even secretly took a video, which I was planning to get from her), Sero had a hair tight into two small ponytails and Kirishima was beetroot red and on bare chest had one of Minas bras – it almost couldn't fit around his chest, so he had it unhooked.

Momo had to go down and kiss Shoto, which she did (to everyone surprise) and didn't come back after that. Jiro had to keep two cubes of ice in her mouth until they melt, so she was currently up to task. Mina was dared to go down and borrow five hoddies from five different guys and have them on for five rounds, so she was now looking like someone from the expedition to the North Pole.

I had to shout from window that i love Mineta – which I refused, with the picture of cocoon hanging from the tree in my mind. But i accepted the dare to put five different kinds of alcohol into one cup and drink it. I had only jean shorts and crop top, plus underwear ofc. In the term of clothes, Bakugo had it worst – at the time he was already wearing only sweatpants and underwear. That wasn't surprise - he declined practically every dare or truth, that he was asked.

I felt kinda sorry for him. But not enough to don't dare him to take one of Minas brightly pink baseball caps on his head. He must accept because his pride didn't allow him to strip down into his underwear.

I thought that I was going to die from laughing so hard when I saw him angrily fuming with the pink cap on the head. "Don't you dare..." he started, but I already had my phone out and was taking photos of him. He tried to get up and go blast my ass to the moon, but Kirishima held him back and pulled him to the hug from behind.

"No! Don't hurt her Bakubro! Isn't manly to hurt lady!"

"She isn't lady, she is vicious demon! Let me go stupid hair! "

"Never! " Kirishima clanged onto him even more.

"Stop it! You're scratching my back with that stupid bra of yours!" Yelled Bakugo.

Everybody burst out laughing again. Ojiro and Hagakure were laughing to (even though it sounded kinda nervously). But I couldn't blame them for that, it was Bakugou we were talking about after all.

Speaking of these two, because Bakugou refused to ask after spinning the bottle, Mina was doing that for him. Bakugou – still fuming spined the bottle and it landed on Ojiro.

Mina enthusiastically clapped her hands and smiled. "You have to kiss Hagakure on lips!"

Ojiro went full red in two seconds. "W-what?" He asked nervously.

"Come on, it's just a kiss," told him Kaminari teasingly. "Or are you afraid to kiss a girl?"

Ojiro, still red, looked at Hagakure for some sort of reaction. But that was completely useless (big surprise), because she was invisible.

"Im okay with that, do it" answered she. From her voice could be told that she was also nervous.

With that Ojiro gathered courage and leaned closer, but then he stopped, unsure what to do. Couldn't blame him though. Because of Hagakure's quirk it was like trying to kiss air.

Fortunately, she realised what the problem was. She took his hands and put them on her cheeks. After that they finally managed to awkwardly kiss with everyone cheering in background.

Both of them (just a guess in Hakagure's case) were red when they finally divided.

Then it went with all challenges like that. Every single one of them was about kissing someone. Kaminari had to kiss Jiro. Mina had to kiss Sero. Ojiro had to kiss Mina. Sero had to kiss Kaminari - which he did and after that both said "no homo" at the same time laughing at each other.

Then it landed on me. Sero with devilish eyes looked around and his eyes stopped on... 

What happens in closet stays in closet (Bakugo x Kirishima x reader)Where stories live. Discover now