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It started off as a normal day, but little did I know I would soon be stranded, alone, hungry and fucked.

"You ready for flight jr?" Gaz asked me.

"You know it!" I sighed. "I Fucking Love flying this bird."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah! It's the only one that doesn't mess up mid take off."

We chuckled and started up the engines. Checking the controls and mics to make sure we wouldn't lose communications mid flight.

"Alright, take it easy you two. This is just a overhead sweep of the area. No hostiles." Laswell stated over the mics.

"You got it." Gaz responded before looking over to make sure I was fastened in correctly.

I playfully rolled my eyes.

"What?" He said. "I'm not gonna be the reason soap takes down this whole operation."

I retaliated with a smirk. "He needs to relax, I know what I'm doing."

"Sure. But what can you expect? I would be protective too if my sister joined my task-force."

I laughed. "You know you don't have a sister righ-?"

"When you two are done gossiping you can take off you know." Laswell said with the smallest hint of annoyance in her voice.

We snapped out of our chatting and started taking off. Seeing the people who were once toppling over me, turn into small ants always took my breath away. Making me feel as big as Godzilla while also making me nauseous.

"You gonna hurl this time?" Gaz asked.

I shook my head with puffed cheeks of vomit.

"Oh Cmon, I won't judge. Just break."

I shook my head again with a determined look on my face. Swallowing the vomit. Even though it was disgusting, I would never be the person that threw up in a heli. I just wouldn't.

"Approaching city limits."

The silence rang in our mics before setting our eyes on a peaceful looking city. Kids were playing the in park, women were shopping, and men were keeping guard in front of their homes.

"Looks good." Gaz exhaled.

"Alright, do a few laps to make sure the grounds are secure. And be careful, we may have a truce with the townies, but we don't want them to start thinking we aren't trusting them enough." Laswell stated before Gaz started doing our circled laps. Which we finished pretty quick.

To be honest, I don't really know why we had to check on that town, it was fine and we already had an alliance with them for a few months now. I guess Laswell is just paranoid because of the whole shepherd thing a few months ago. But I wouldn't say that out loud.

When we got back to base, I had an hour or two of free time and decided to head out with my brother to the shooting range.

"So how's life goin?" John asked.

"Fine, I guess, you?"

"Pretty good. Nothing really special."

"Who's all going with us to the range?" I asked.

"Just you, me, and a few other pals from the 141."

"Heh, like who?"

"Mis hermanos."

I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Alejandro's been getting to you huh?"

"Claro que si."

We laughed together while he started parking the car. I asked again. "No, but seriously, who's going?"

"I already told you, just some buds."

I throw my head back and look out the window to see a group of men talking by a car.

"Price?" I pondered.

"Mhm, and a new friend."

"Pf, whats with the mask?"

In the distance I was able to catch a glimpse of a guy with a skull mask on and for some reason was freakishly tall. I wondered why he was even wearing it outside of combat, but maybe he's just ugly I guess?

"Oh That's gh-" John stopped himself and chuckled. "-That's Bucky."

"Huh." I furrowed my brows. "He doesn't seem like a Bucky."

"Oh trust me. He's Bucky."

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