Ep 3

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Some days later :

Yn Pov :

After all that day comes my wedding day or i say my death day for every girl in the world their wedding day is the bestest day of theirs life but for mine it's the worst day of my I'm going to marry a guy whome i don't even know how he looks how he going to behave with me is he good or bad person

I sitting on chair in front of mirror in white gown with a beautiful hairstyle but i don't want beauty i want freedom this is beautiful blades which are cutting my wings  i left each and every tears from my eyes waiting that one day it will be ok i looked myself in the mirror i never expected this happens in my life

I sitting on chair in front of mirror in white gown with a beautiful hairstyle but i don't want beauty i want freedom this is beautiful blades which are cutting my wings  i left each and every tears from my eyes waiting that one day it will be ok ...

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I went outside of my room just to see what's my mom next plan then i see someone whome i can share my feelings

Yn : professor!

Kim Yoonjin: Yn ! and you are saying she went parlour what kind of mother you are Mrs Lee

Yn : professor she can't understand you let's talk in my room

He does not say anything just stare at Mrs Lee  who already staring me with her angered eyes

Kim Yoonjin: what are you trying to do yn ! You are bounding to marriage relationship you know what a big responsibility it is. are you able to persued your dreams i think that you will make your name in science world

Yn : please let me explain myself professor

Kim Yoonjin: what you want to explain yn !

Yn : my mother

Kim Yoonjin: your mother i know she is a psycho she can do anything for her stubbornness but you have to understand

Yn : but she blackmail me

Kim Yoonjin: i don't think any kind of blackmail is very much strong that can break your dreams I know you yn from the first day of your university you are not like that who gave up that easily then what happened to you

He suppressed my arms in anger and I shout in pain . He lifted my arm clothes  little and looked the bruises that my mother gave me and his expression telling me that he understands what happened

Kim Yoonjin: Yn , tell me

I tell him all that happens to me last days  why I don't came to university and how Mrs Lee agree me for marriage and i can see a little tears building up to his eyes he say nothing just Patt my head in love and kiss my forehead

Kim Yoonjin: you are very strong yn . I wish God will have mercy on you and when he have came to me i will take you to your destiny

Yn : thank you professor only you can understand me

Mr. Cold ( Jungkook X Yn ) ffWhere stories live. Discover now