Ep 16

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Author Note: This chapter is last of this series after that i will release bonus episode. Thank you for being with me in this journey of Mr. Cold . I hope you enjoy this series and give your love to me . Your views and comments work like a booster which encourage me to do more . Thank you for your love and support. May Lord Buddha bless you and you succeed in your life .

(Check out my next fanfiction of Kim Taehyung Her last goodbye)

Spotify playlist available in announcement box

After a week

It's strange i ve been sick for so long and Hae didn't even contact me for once i check out my phone and try to contact him i tried 4-5 times but his phone is unreachable. I call in his law firm office .

Yn : Hello May i talk to Mr Han in

From there : Who is speaking

Yn : I am his girlfriend

From there : If you are his girlfriend don't you know is going to leave Korea

Yn : WHAT ... WHY ...

From there: He get a very big offer from a Italian law firm of senior lawyer

Yn : did he already leave

From there: No not yet but i listen he is going to leave today

Yn : ok thanks

I again try to call him but he wasn't picking my call . I was left with no option at last i decided to call Vincenzo who is always with him . I think i will never gonna talk to him .

Yn : Hello i am talking to Mr Cassano

Vincenzo: Yes

Yn : Mr Cassano it's Yn Lee

Vincenzo: Yes yn what happens

Yn : Is hae with you

Vincenzo: No right now he is gone to airport

I cut the call and without even thinking of once i decided to go to airport but my leg i don't care i cant let him go like that . What happens to him he know i love him but still he is acting like that. Doesn't he know it will hurt me alot if he leave like that . jungkook becomes shock when he see me coming out of room in hurry. He tried to stop but i don't . I tried to reach to my car but there he stop me

Jungkook: YN.. Where are you you did not recovered completely now

Yn : Jungkook leave me

Jungkook: But yn i cant let you go right now look at yourself

Yn : i say Jungkook leave me

Jungkook: but yn

Yn : I SAID LEAVE why i always have to repeat for you . You lost what you had . Did you forget here in this house you tortured me . Still whenever i came here the voice of my screams my crying falls at my ears and you whenever i see you every scene of your torture came in front of my eyes . My wounds again become green because of YOU . WHY YOU COME BACK TO MY LIFE. I am happy without you . WHY ARE YOU CARING FOR ME for you i am a Slut a gold digger. The title you gave me huh i am the girl who make your life living hell . Then why you CAN'T LET ME GO . actually the matters is you don't love me you just FUCKING guilty.

I know it hurts him alot but i can't able to hold it . I want him to feel like how i feel for the last 7 years . I use the same words that he used when i he humiliated me.

My car is park in mid way of the road he is there in shock after hearing his words from my mouth . I get inside my car and start it at last time i look at him through my car mirror. He is still there without any expressions.

Mr. Cold ( Jungkook X Yn ) ffWhere stories live. Discover now