Bonus Ep

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(AN : Bonus ep is not in series it's just some beautiful moments from yn and Jungkook's life this bonus ep is about that time when yn trimester ( 7, 8, 9 month of pregnancy is called trimester) is just come to end . )

Yn pov

I went to downstairs where Seo and Honey is sitting and watching cartoon series.

Seomin : Noona you should take rest is something you need

Yn : no aah actually i am feeling very suffocating in my room

Seomin : are you ok noona

Seomin come to help me and carefully take me downstairs and make me sit on the couch.

Yn : where is mom and dad

Seomin : actually mom doesn't want to go right now but mom and dad having a very urgent meeting with investors

Yn : aah seo

Seomin : yes noona are you ok

Yn: call jungkook

Seomin : what happens


My lower abdomen is paining alot and it's seems like my water also broke It's a very painful cramps i cried out and seo come to me

Seomin : don't worry noona i am calling hyung

Seo again and again try to call him but jungkook phone is unreachable. Jungkook where are you please come to me it's paining alot i need you . Jungkook please. My Goodness Mo yon come home at a very moment when she see me in pain she run to me and try to calm .

Mo yon : seo whome are you calling

Seomin : i am calling hyung

Mo yon : stop wasting time we need to take her to the hospital .

Seo leave his phone and lift me up on his back

Seomin : Dont worry noona i always got your back

He put me on the backseat and start driving in speed but carefully. Mo yon is with me try to calm me down . This cramps are very painful right now i want Jungkook with me . It's really very hurtful that i want him by my side and he not here .

Yn : seo call jungkook....

Seomin : Noona i am trying but his phone is unreachable

I again scream in pain .

Seomin : Mo yon do something i can't see her like that

Mo yon : i can't do anything right now. she needs to take hospital.

Seomin: Please ... AAISH ! ..

Mo yon : Yn be strong think about baby ... Think how beautiful is that moment when you see your child

Yn: Jungkook.... CALL HIM .. PLEASE

Mo yon : Seo Fast the speed.

Seo fasten car speed . He try to put both safety and speed at same time but it's impossible at end he decided to choose speed he fasten his car at its high speed.

Seomin: Mo please take care of her . I am speeding up

Mo yon hold me safely. When she saw me sweating she wipe it with tissues .

Mo yon : yn don't try hard .. relax your body .


Mo yon : he is not picking the call

Mr. Cold ( Jungkook X Yn ) ffWhere stories live. Discover now