Ep 10

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Next morning

Yn pov

The whole body aching i open my eyes and find myself on hae chest in his arms it's the most beautiful dream I'm watching right now i blink my eyes again and saw its not the dream it's truth very carefully i remove his arm over me but i ach

Yn : ahhh

He waked up by my soft scream and hold me to get up

Hae : are you ok yn

I remained silent

Hae : i ask you to stay in car now look at yourself you know how much pain it cause me when i saw your bruises

He caress my face

Hae : i missed you
A year flow down from his eyes
I take his hands from my face in my hands

Yn : i missed you too

He kiss my hand oh lord Buddha i missed this touch

Hae : this time i won't let you go i won't leave you in this sad bad world i will give you every pleasure of life that you deserve i will by right your side till the end of my life. But first you need to tell me everything that happens to you that makes you to act like you are died

I tell him everything how my mom beat me how jungkook treats me how he beat me , try to sexual assault me

I can see continuously tears are flowing from his eyes

He again caress my face and this time he came closer towards my face his warm breaths striking with my face i pull me more closer and connect my lips with his this kiss is so sweet and beautiful i missed it so much it's like a dream a beautiful daydream his tears i can feel on my cheeks

After a few minutes he leave me and and hold me

Hae : you are very strong my baby i will never leave your side now i will not let it happen with you again i am so sorry you have to suffer hard and i am not even to swip up your tears but now you will get every pleasure of life every happy moments with me i love you yn... freshed up i will

Yn : i have to go home now honey is crying

Hae : wait i will drop you

After 2 days

I went upstairs and preparing myself for office i don't talk with Hae after that incident even for a long i also not went office yesterday Jungkook called me and ask me to rejoin the office I'm thinking of drop the project and shift to another country because here hae know my identity now i cant stay here

I wear my dress look myself in the mirror hmm I'm looking old no no no I'm only 29 i think my sense of clothing is old i should wear something young what young girl wear these days oh yeah short skirts crop top but whole day i ve been uncomfortable i remember when i wear that sexy pink bodycon ive been feeling uncomfortable everytime how these girls manage with it i think i am fine with my old sense of dress up

I wear my dress look myself in the mirror hmm I'm looking old no no no I'm only 29 i think my sense of clothing is old i should wear something young what young girl wear these days oh yeah short skirts crop top but whole day i ve been uncomfortabl...

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Mr. Cold ( Jungkook X Yn ) ffWhere stories live. Discover now