Ep 11

883 37 0

At morning

Jungkook Pov

I over the blanket around yn and Patt her head slowly i am feeling so relief that yn is by my side sleeping she is quite peaceful it's is so beautiful dream i ever see it's so beautiful may everything pause may we always be like that may i die like this by your side i am so thankful that I'm able to see you again now i will apologies for everything for every torture i did to you you have to punish me for my every bad word for my every bad action but now i will not let you go i will not let you far from me because if this time you go i will die i can't survive without you now

She turned around little and press her eyes a little

Yn : don't touch Save me .. please save

Jungkook: No one is going to touch you yn you are save

She wake up and remove blanket across her

Yn : Don't touch me .. get away from me

Jungkook: i will not touch you

She move back and she is going to fall from bed then i hold her I press her arms

Yn : i don't believe in you .. leave me

Jungkook: believe me please

Yn: how can I believe in you maybe you do the same you did in past

Jungkook: that's not like that i am so sorry for that

Yn : but your sorry can't wound my past now please remove your hands over me

I do the same she said then she get from the bed . i also stand up she started walking but because of yesterday incident she is not able to walk properly she was about to fall but then i again hold her

Jungkook: listen me one time yn please

Yn :what you wanna listen Thanks thank you Mr Jeon for saving my virginity last night i will not

Jungkook: that's not like that please just one time

Yn : ...

Jungkook: just one time


Jungkook: you will fall and get hurt

Yn : then let me fall and hurt why that effect you huh I'm no one to you I am just a stranger

Jungkook: please don't say like that your not stranger you are my own wife

Yn : Excuse me Mr Jeon i already give you divorce you don't have now any right to touch me or hold me like this

She remove my grip and start moving i grab her hand and turned her around like her back touching my chest

Jungkook: please don't say like that it hurts me when you act like a stranger i know there is alot of friction between us but please give me one more chance to change my image please come back to me

I turned her around and connect my lips with her i pull her into a passionate kiss i kiss her like i ve been waiting for her for long time . First she try to remove then she stop she doesn't kiss me back but it not mean she is not in to it her eyes is closed i can feel her cheeks warming up when she came back to her senses she push me back

Yn : You think that a passionate kiss can change that all then you are wrong if you again do that i will complain that you sexually harass me

Jungkook: i will happily go to prison for kissing you

Yn : huh

Jungkook : i can do anything for you please just come back to me i will apologies for everything if you want you can punish me but please don't leave again

Mr. Cold ( Jungkook X Yn ) ffWhere stories live. Discover now