Ep 4

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Jungkook POV:

I open up my eyes and wake up for getting ready then i remember ohh i got married to some sort of slut . I freshed myself and go downstairs

Seomin: Good morning hyung !

Jungkook: Good morning seo

Seomin: how was night

Jungkook: pretty peaceful by the way where is mom and dad

Seomin: mom went to a Ngo for some sake of charity and father went to office for some meetings where is noona

Jungkook: ahhhhh i don't know

Seomin: what she is your wife hyung you should know where is your wife

Jungkook: Go and check yourself then

Seomin: ok I'm going she is my sister in law

I take up the glass of water and oh no she is still in the bathroom what if she is dead

Jungkook: seo wait i will go and bring her

Seomin: ok

Jungkook Pov

I went upstairs and how i can forget about her i don't care if she die but if she dead what i say to Mom and Dad and Mrs Lee it becomes a very big defame to my profession i open up the lock of bathroom door then i see she is left unconscious on the bathroom floor her lips is becomes blue due to cold and her skin pale white

Jungkook: oh no shit YN ! YN ... OPEN YOUR EYES YN ..

I rub her hands and she is cold more like a ice i move my fingers near to her nostrils

Jungkook: Thank God she is breathing

She maybe left unconscious I lifted her in my arms and carried her to my bed I put her on the bed and put warm blanket on her and try to keep her warm if she dead i trap in a court case . I don't even fucking care if she die or alive but if she die not from my hands after sometime she open her eyes and i feel relief finally i can't let her die now she have to face many torture more than that

Yn : why you save me let me die that's all you want

Jungkook: aww my dear wife you think that it's enough for you never! i will torture you till the end of your glowing life and never let you free and death its a freedom for you

Yn : why are you doing this to me

I remained silent and leave form there i don't want to listen any of her silly questions

After a month

Yn pov

It's been a month jungkook and me shift to his new home it's quite good but i feel positive when i am with mom ,dad and seo they make me feel happy and loved here jungkook full of negativity and attitude he thinks that if he talk some good to me his height will fall he always arrive late at home and never eat at home i don't think he ever tasted my handmade dinner my only work there is only make food for jungkook but i also study i usually learn soo many topics and lessons in this month maybe i will able to give National Korean hunt exam next year

Today mom dad and seo is coming for dinner and i have to prepare special dinner for them they usually eat Korean food i want they to try something else so i ask seo what they eat other than Korean so they say Italian so today the dinner is prepared by Italian chef Yn

Today mom dad and seo is coming for dinner and i have to prepare special dinner for them they usually eat Korean food i want they to try something else so i ask seo what they eat other than Korean so they say Italian so today the dinner is prepare...

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Mr. Cold ( Jungkook X Yn ) ffWhere stories live. Discover now