Ep 8

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After a month

Yn pov

I open the door of my cabin and place the certificate of top scientist in the up drawer

Yn : finally my dream comes true

Person: good morning Mam a Business man secretary wants to meet you

Yn : right now

Person: yes mam

Yn : ask her to meet me in 5 mins in my office

Person: ok mam

??? : Mam may I come in

Yn: oh yes please have a seat

Secretary: thank you mam I want to introduce myself my name is lee min suk from Posco company you might have listen about it it is a automobiles company

Yn : yes posco is very famous brand in automobiles but what can I help you in that

Secretary: mam our company is futher looking for a eco friendly automobiles that donot produce any kind of harm to the nature Our CEO sir wants you to supervise the project with that for that we will pay you 5 billions

Yn : 5 billions can i have your identity card

Secretary: oh yes mam here it is

I check out every detail then i saw original Posco stamp like i am confuse why they are paying me huge amount only for my supervison

Secretary: Mam our CEO also send you the letter

I take the letter from her

Miss Mayumi
Senior Scientist
Wuhan National lab

I want your supervision for our newly started project ecomobiles and for that we will pay you 5 billion and 3 billion in advance i hope you help us with this future project and make your presence grateful

Yours faithfully

Stamp of Posco

Secretary: I think now you believe i am from real posco company

Yn : Hmm

Secretary: so mam what about project

Yn : Give me some time

Secretary: ok mam I am leaving this paper if you want to supervise the project the sign this consent i will take this tomorrow morning

Yn : ok

Should I sign it or not i should take advice from Professor

I call the professor

Yoonjin : Hello Good morning yn

Yn : Good morning professor professor actually i want a advice from you today secretary of Posco company came to my office and want me to supervise the some eco-friendly automobile project

Yoonjin : Posco

Yn : yes professor and they are offering my 5 billion for that and 3 billion in advance

Yoonjin: Posco company you should say yes it's a big opportunity to you

Yn: but posco is a Korean company and probably i have to go back to Korea for the work

Yoonjin : posco is a Busanese company meanwhile you lived in Seoul your all time spend in lab to home home to lab i think you should say yes it's a very big opportunity yn if you say yes then more companies will give you project

Mr. Cold ( Jungkook X Yn ) ffWhere stories live. Discover now