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You suck in a breath as you pull out a crow feather from the hat. You look over to see Jonathan's reaction. He hasn't seemed to notice. He's sitting on a windowsill singing quietly to himself. Joker hops over to where he is and slaps him on the back. Jonathan whimpers in fear and falls off the windowsill looking mortified.
        "Lovely singing voice there Johnny but you gotta go in the closet now!" Joker yells in his ear.
        Jonathan looks angry and unhappy about this as he glides to the closet like a ghost. When he sees you coming the anger fades away and a blush covers his cheeks. You smile at him. He just stares at you. You go into the closet and the door shuts leaving you and the horror themed serial killer alone in the dark. You should be scared. But the fear is mixed with excitement. Like the feeling at the top of the roller coaster before you drop.
        "It's so dark." He whispers before crumpling to the ground against the wall knees to his chest. You sit down beside him and wrap your arm around him. With your other hand you take out your phone and turn the flashlight on. He stares at the light before looking up at you with fear in his eyes. He looks like he is about to cry. 
        "Im Im sorry. Im pathet- Pathetic. Leave me. Please. I don't want you to see see me in the... dark..." He chokes trying to hold back tears.
        You set your phone on the ground face down so it illuminates the closet and his beautiful eyes. With the now unoccupied hand you intertwine your fingers in his pulling it away from his face where he's trying to conceal his tears. Your other hand wipes his tears away. 
        "It's okay to be afraid. It's okay to cry." You say squeezing his hand.
        He sobs another apology before collapsing into your embrace until he is basically just crumpled in your lap. You tell him he doesn't have to apologize. You run your fingers through his hair because that used to calm you as a child. 
        The door opens and Joker just stares for a minute before closing the door again. We stay in there for a long time. You want to kiss him but you don't want to frighten or overwhelm him. He plays with your necklace while lying in your lap and eventually he falls asleep. You stay like this for a long time. Hours later he seems unsettled by a dream and you softly kiss his forehead. He awakens looking scared and you stay up talking the rest of the night. The Joker is very amused when he finds you still there in the morning.

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