Part 7

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Tony had visited you again the next day, finding you on your feet, cleaning out the empty room that you had in your apartment. Savannah and Phoebe were nowhere to be found and it was only you there. Of course, after finding the door unlocked, Tony let himself in. He was leaning against the doorframe, watching you move around the room.

His arms were crossed over his chest and his gaze followed you as you were cleaning the window. It seemed like you didn't hear him come in.

Until, he cleared his throat, making you jump in place, quickly turning around. You breathed out in relief when you saw Tony and you relaxed."Were you planning on giving me a heart attack?"

Tony walked up to you. "What are you doing here when you should be resting?"

You shrugged. "I was cleaning."

"I can see that. Helen said you should be resting until you feel better."Tony said. "Why are you not doing that?"

"I was thinking that, uh... " You looked up at him. "This could be the nursery."Tony looked around as you continued talking. "I just wanted to see if the room is still in a good condition. And I can't be resting anymore. I threw up this morning and this helps me forget about it and focus on something else."

He saw the look on your face change and he looked at you in question.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm gonna throw up again." You mumbled out quickly before you rushed out of the room, with Tony following quickly after you.

He knelt next to you as you emptied everything from your stomach into the toilet, holding your hair back and caressing your back. He couldn't help but make a disgusted face at the sound and the smell, but still managed to focus on you and help you. "Oh God, I hate this." You mumbled out, leaning against the cold wall as Tony flushed the toilet for you.

"That looks rough. Is it like that every morning?" He asked, making you nod."I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"Putting you through this." He mumbled out, making you smile softly at him.

"It takes two to... you know. It's on both of us." You assured him.

"Yeah, but you're the only one going through this. I wish I could be a bigger help." Tony admitted as you looked at each other. At the beginning, you thought Tony wouldn't be the type to care about his own baby. You didn't even think he'd visit you this often and take care of your needs. It was safe to say your opinion of Tony changed for the better.

"Honestly, the only thing that would help me is if you could carry the baby. But, it's impossible, so I think you did everything you could." You replied."And thank you."

"What for?"

You shrugged. "You don't have to sit with me on my bathroom floor while I literally puke my guts out. Most guys wouldn't, actually. So, thank you. Even though it's not a very flattering image of me."

Tony chuckled. "It's really not. But I told you I want to be there for the both of you. And that includes those not so nice parts."

You smiled at him, but Tony could still see how exhausted you looked. "Do you think you're done?"

You nodded.

"Alright then." He got up. "Let me take you." You gasped when you felt his arms wrap around you before he picked you up. His hold was strong, so you relaxed and let him carry you back to the living room. "Here we go."Tony said before he placed you on the couch and moved away, covering you with a blanket.

"Do you think you can eat?" He asked you, making sure you were comfortable on the couch.

"I don't know. I'll probably just throw up again if I eat."

"I know, but you have to eat, Y/N."Tony said, placing a strand of your hair behind your ear as he looked down at you. "You both need food."

You frowned. "Fine. But do you think you can go and buy some strawberries?"

"Strawberries?" Tony's eyebrows furrowed.

"And pickles."

"Strawberries and pickles?" Tony looked even more confused.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that the whole morning." You said.

"Y/N, are you having pregnancy cravings?" Tony asked, trying to hide the smile growing on his face.

"What?" You chuckled. "No."

"Yes, you are."

Tony looked at you as your eyes watered and you started to cry, his own going wide when he realized what was happening. "No, no, please don't cry."

"Pickles and strawberries, please?"You asked, wiping off the tears.

"Yes, I'm on my way!" Tony replied, quickly grabbing his keys before he was rushing out of the door.

You smiled and rubbed your stomach."We're good, buddy."

Some time later, Tony was sitting across from you, watching as you ate pickles and strawberries together, a disgusted look on his face.

"This is soooo good." You let out a moan, which made Tony raise an eyebrow at you. Judging by how you only continued to talk, Tony guessed you didn't even realize it. "You wanna try?"

"No, thanks." Tony quickly said. "You two just... yeah, keep eating."

You shrugged, but continued to eat as you watched TV. Tony got up from the chair and smiled at you. "I gotta go now, I have a meeting in an hour. Call me if you need anything, please."

After making sure you were alright, Tony walked out of your apartment, going straight to his car to prepare for his talk with Pepper later in the evening.

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