Part 10

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The following day, you were feeling much better than yesterday. You got up, feeling oddly energetic. You made quick breakfast after doing the morning excersises.

The morning was spent in peace and quiet, until the front door opened and Savannah and Phoebe walked in.

"What's happening?" You asked them and they gave you knowing looks.

"Did you check the news?"Phoebe raised an eyebrow.

"No. Why?" You asked.

"You're officially famous." Phoebe exclaimed. "Papparazzi caught you and Tony out last night."

"What?" You asked, grabbing her phone from her hands and reading the article she opened up. It was, indeed, about you probably being Tony's new mystery girlfriend, the reason he stopped sleeping around."There are pictures!"You gasped.

"They're blurry. Nobody's gonna recognize you." Savannah said as you scrolled through them. "You guys should've been more careful."

"I told him this would happen."You said.

"So, was this considered a date or what?" Phoebe asked once again, making you look at her.

"What are you talking about?"

"He took you out, it's a date, right?"

You scoffed, "Of course not."You said, but noticed the look they gave you."What? It's not."

"Sure." Phoebe winked at you, a grin on her face.

The rest of the day passed without anything unusual happening, but your peace was soon to be disturbed when someone knocked on the door, the loud sound echoing through the apartment, alarming you. You jumped out of your seat and opened the door, only to find Tony in front of them, his white shirt almost soaked in blood coming from the cut on his left side.

You stumbled back when you saw hin, but somehow managed to keep yourself stable. "Tony? What the hell happened?" You asked, moving aside so he can come in.

"I was on a mission." He said.

"Come on, sit here and tell me what happened." You pulled a chair out for him to sit, which he did, and leaned back on it, letting out a huge breath while you searched for the first aid kit.

"My suit was destroyed and this happened."

"What? What are you gonna do now?"

"Sweetheart, the suit is the least of my concern." He said, straightening up when he saw you making your way towards him. "I got plenty of suits."

"What even hit you?"

"Hydra's cannon." He said and your eyes widened.


"It's a long story."

"You're gonna need to, uh... " You gestured at his shirt. "Take it off."

Tony shot you a look before he pulled the shirt over his head. You took a breath when you saw him like that, quickly looking away. Pregnancy hormones definitely had their effect on you.

You grimaced when you took a better look at the wound, quickly taking out gauzes and getting to work. "Why didn't you go to the hospital?"

"It's nothing. Just patch it up and I'll be fine."Tony replied through gritted teeth, feeling the burn as you cleaned the wound.

"It's not nothing, you lost a lot of blood."

"For God's sake." Tony mumbled out as you put gauzes over it once it was clean.

"What, does it hurt?" You asked, looking up at him, worry in your eyes.

Tony offered you a small smile. "It's fine."

"Alright, tell me if it hurts. It looks like it stopped bleeding."

Tony nodded and you finished up in only a few minutes, then moved away from Tony. "All done."

He saw how your face looked when you moved away, and he quickly grabbed your wrist to stop you from getting up. You looked at him, his worried gaze scanning over your face.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" Tony questioned.

"I should be asking you that."Your small voice replied.

"Don't worry about me." Tony said, looking deep into your eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I'm worried about you, Tony." You finally confessed.  "You can't keep hurting yourself like this. What happens if one day you... " You trailed off, gulping.

"Don't worry about me." Tony told you. "Contrary to popular belief, I know what I'm doing."

You sighed, and packed up everything before you put the box away. "I can bring you something to wear. Phoebe has clothes from her boyfriend back in the apartment."

Soon enough, after Tony cleaned up and changed his clothes, he was resting on the couch while you made him soup and a cup of tea. "How are you feeling?" You asked.

Tony smiled, watching you sit on the chair next to him. "It's getting better."He glanced at the stuff you brought for him on the table. "You shouldn't have."

"Let me take care of you."You said, taking a pill and giving it to Tony, who raised an eyebrow at you. "Drink up, it'll help you with the pain."

He took the glass of water you handed him, but only glanced at the pill."What's that?"

"It's Motrin."

His lips parted like he was about to say something, but he soon enough pressed his lips in a tight line and looked at you. "I'm not on my cycle! Get me something else."

"You're such a baby." You sighed before turning around and looking through the medications you had.

"I'm not." Tony frowned.

"Yes, you are." You said, grabbing another pill and giving it to Tony before he had time to protest. "Now eat your soup. Do you want me to find you something to watch?"

Tony only gave you a look.

You shrugged. "Guess not."

"How are you feeling?" He asked you after a few moments of silence, gaze wandering down to your stomach.

"We're both okay." You replied.

"Do you have more cravings?" He asked again.

"Well... " As you began to talk, Tony couldn't help the smile forming on his face. You two only knew each other for a few months, but Tony felt like you had him wrapped around your finger.

Minutes later, you were asleep and he watched you leaning against your hand, your chest rising with each breath you took. He watched your face scrunch up in pain, before you placed your hand over your stomach and got comfortable.

He hated seeing you in pain. He stood up from the couch and placed his arms around you, picking you up and carrying you to your bedroom. He placed you on the bed and covered you up with a blanket. He watched your face relax and smiled, moving your hair from your face.

The next day, Tony had left, going back to the Tower. He told you he'll have Helen check up on the wound and also get her to do another check-up on you.

When the doorbell rang again, you hurried to open the door, thinking it was Tony.

"Tony, you-"You cut yourself off when you saw a redhead girl staring at you. Her gaze dropped to your stomach and her eyes widened. You immediately got defensive, moving to stand behind the door. "Who are you?"

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