Part 26

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You left the hospital with the baby earlier than you thought, since the doctor said everything was alright with her. You returned to the tower, like Tony wanted, until he sells it when you would move into a different facility. You walked in first, still being sore, while Tony followed with the baby in her car seat.

You gasped when you walked in. The team had decorated the living room area and on the table laid a beautiful pink cake.

"Welcome home!" Natasha clapped her hands together, excited for the newest addition.

"Thank you, Nat."You said as she approached you and pulled you into a hug.

"You're feeling better?"

You nodded. "We're getting there."

"And my little darling!" She quickly approached the baby, who was no longer sleeping. "You're home!"

The rest of the team came to hug you and that was when you noticed the two newest additions to the team. You almost jumped when you saw the person with the red skin and, when he spoke, he sounded exactly like JARVIS. You looked at Tony, who winked at you.

"I'll explain later."He mouthed to you and you nodded.

"My name is Vision, Miss Y/N."It said."It's a pleasure to meet you. I wish you a quick recovery."

"Thank you, Vision."You smiled and turned to the redhead, almost gasping when you recognized her."You are...?"

"Yes, we've met before."She said as she approached you.

You immediately took a step back and Tony, guessing something was wrong, gave the baby to Natasha before walking towards you and pulling you to stand next to him."Is something wrong?" He whispered to you.

"Uh... when they kidnapped me, she was there."You explained to Tony quietly."She wanted to kill the baby too, before she changed her mind, I guess."

Tony glared at Wanda before pulling you behind himself. "Don't come near either of them, Maximoff. I'm serious."He warned, and Steve immediately stepped in.

"Whoa, guys. What happened, Tony?"

"Back off, Cap."Tony said.

You could feel the tension in the air and you felt sad when you saw the look on Wanda's face. She quietly returned to Vision's side and looked at you.

"Let's just focus on the baby now."You said, trying to take their mind off of the subject, while gripping on Tony's hand.

"Are you in pain, sweetheart?" Tony placed a hand on your waist as he let you lean against him.

"I'm fine."You smiled at him.

"What's her name?" Natasha asked, making everyone look at the two of you.

"It's Maria Natalie Stark."Tony spoke proudly, while Natasha looked at you both in surprise.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes, Natalie Rushman."Tony said, but Natasha ignored his comment about the name and kissed the baby's hand.

"Thank you guys."She said and you met her gaze, nodding.

"Well, now that is over with, Tony..."You called his name and he immediately turned towards you."Can you help me to our room? I hope you guys don't mind, but I've had to push almost an 8 pounds heavy baby out of my body yesterday, I need to rest."

Steve sighed, remembering how he fainted. "Don't remind me, please."

You turned back to the team as Tony led you towards the elevator. "But do bring me the cake!"

"Of course!" They said.

Only a few minutes later, you were laid in bed and Tony was adjusting the pillows for you. The baby was on the bed next to you, sleeping.

"Is that okay?" He asked you and you quickly nodded.

"Yes, it's perfect."You sank down in the comfy pillows, while Tony laid next to you. The baby was now in between you two and you smiled as Tony watched the both of you."What?"

"I just... I can't believe I have a child."Tony said."I can't believe she is real."

"Well, wait until you're on diaper duty. You'll see she is very much real."You said, which made Tony chuckle.

"You gave me the greatest gift in the world. Nothing else could compare to this."He said, reaching over the baby to place a soft kiss on your lips.

"It was mutual effort, wasn't it?" You giggled, looking down at her.

"Still, you're the only one who had to go through all of the pain and every single uncomfortable moment."He said, carressing your waist.

"It's all worth it in the end."You said, looking down at her once again before looking at Tony.

"Sleep now. You've deserved it. I'll be here when you wake up and when she wakes up."Tony said.

"Wake me up if she starts crying."You told Tony, who smiled and nodded his head.

"Of course. Now, go to sleep."

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