Part 41

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Just as Natasha was about to leave the facility, Tony showed up out of nowhere. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw Natasha all dressed up."You going somewhere?"

She nervously glanced at the clock behind him. "Uh... yeah. But I can't tell you about it."

"You look weird... and suspicious." He told her. "Why can't you tell me where you are going?"

Natasha looked at her phone and saw you calling her again. She let out a curse before looking at Tony. "You can come with me, just hurry up! We don't have much time." She pulled on his arm, leading him towards the garage.

"What's happening?" He asked her, taking the keys she gave him.

"It's about Y/N. She's sick." She told him and a worried look flashed over his face.

"Why? Sick how?" Tony asked, getting into the car along with Natasha.

"Don't ask me. Just get there as fast as you can."

Tony arrived faster to your apartment than he usually would. He was sure he passed through a few red lights on the way there, but he couldn't care less. He only wanted you to be okay. He ran up the stairs to your apartment, not bothering to wait for the elevator. His heart was racing inside his chest. Natasha followed him and tried to calm Tony, but it did nothing. They both could hear Maria crying as they finally managed to unlock the door.

"Take her. I'll drop Maria off at Savannah's place and I'll be there, too." Natasha told him and Tony nodded before rushing into your room. He found you on the bed, your eyes barely open. His hand touched yours, only to discover your whole body was absolutely freezing. "Y/N?"He asked slowly, to see if you were still conscious.

"Tony... " You mumbled out and his heart warmed when he heard his name slip out of your mouth, not only his full name.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm here." He said."What's wrong? Are you in pain?"

"I'm sorry for not telling you." You mumbled out, your eyes rolling into the back of your head and you felt Tony cup your face.

"No... no... don't do this now. What didn't you tell me?" He asked, but when he saw you were unresponsive, he panicked and quickly picked you up in his arms, carrying you to the car and taking you straight to the hospital.

It was two hours later when the doctor was finally done with the examination and walked out of your room. His gaze fell on Tony and Natasha.

"Is Y/N okay?" Tony immediately asked the doctor, while Natasha pulled him back.

The doctor looked at the papers before nodding. "You arrived on time, Mr. Stark."Natasha nervously glanced around the waiting room, knowing the doctor was about to tell Tony everything and she couldn't stop it."We were able to save both."

Tony looked happy to hear it, but then his eyebrows furrowed. "Both?"

"Yes. Both, the mother and the baby are fine for now. Although, I suggest that Miss Y/N be put on bed rest. That means that she can't walk at all for a few days. This is still considered the early stage of pregnancy and she can miscarry-"

Natasha could almost hear the wheels turning, crashing into each other in Tony's head as he tried to make sense of everything the doctor was saying. He raised his gaze off the floor and looked at the doctor, his eyes going wide."Y/N is pregnant?"

"Uh... yeah." The doctor shared a look with Natasha. "About 7 weeks already. Did you... not know about it?"

Tony just ignored the doctor and started to walk towards your room. 7 weeks... That meant... The baby had to be his. There was no way it wasn't. He opened the door to the room, only to find you awake. You were hooked up to a couple of machines, and an IV.

You turned your head to look at him, and he offered you a small smile. Your eyes followed his figure as he walked to the chair by your side and sat on it before meeting your gaze. "How are you feeling?" He asked you.

"Better." You replied, your voice sounding raspy, making you cough. It was close to 6 am in the morning and you only had about 2 hours of sleep."Thank you for bringing me here."

"It's the least I could do." Tony said, nervously glancing at your stomach, trying to spot any change, but then looked up at your eyes again and then cleared his throat nervously.

"Uh... the doctor told me something..."He began, but you cut him off again.

"He told you."

Tony awkwardly nodded. "He did... I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Getting you pregnant. Again." Tony replied."I, uh... it's mine, right, isn't it?"

"If I had enough strength to lift my hand, I would slap you again." You told Tony, who rolled his eyes.

"Right. I'm sorry."

"Yes, Tony. It's yours. I didn't sleep with anyone else, if that's what you're wondering. I can't believe we're going through this conversation again." You said, placing a hand on your stomach when you felt another cramp, this one less painful than the previous ones.

Tony couldn't help the small smile appearing, but he quickly dropped it when you turned around to look at him.

"You're keeping it?"

"I don't know. Would it be a good decision? You can't even take proper care of Maria, and I have work and-"

"Please." Tony interrupted you. "Just hear me out. I will change, I promise you. I'm already trying. And no, I'm not saying it just because of the baby."He interrupted you just when you opened your mouth to speak. "I'm trying, okay? And you don't have to go to work. In fact, you don't need to work at all."

"Tony, I can't just drop my work." You said.

"Yes, you can."

"No, I can't."

"Listen. You can work for me. Since Pepper left, I need a new secretary. Assistant. Whatever you like to call it."

"But didn't Pepper leave-"

"Yes. And I've been doing all of the work alone."


"Because I don't trust anyone else to do it."

"And you trust me?" You raised an eyebrow at him.


"I... okay. I'll take the spot." You told him, watching a grin appear on his face.

"Great! As your new boss, I need you to rest in bed as long as it's needed to. That's the only thing you'll do."

You blinked as you looked at him, shaking your head. "I hate you."

"No, you don't. Are you really feeling better or...?"

"I am. I've still got cramps, but they're not as painful as the previous ones."You told him, watching as a worried look appeared on his face.

"Did they give you something for the pain?"

"They did." Just then, the door opened and Natasha walked in, her gaze falling on Tony by your side.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked and you nodded your head, a small smile on your face. "Alright then, the doctor said no more stress. Which means you", she pointed at Tony, " and you", this time, she pointed at you, "can't be in the same room anymore."

"No. We have a deal." Tony said."There won't be any stress anymore."

Natasha rolled her eyes. "We'll see how that works out."

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