Part 56

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You let out a breath as you sat down on the couch, placing a hand on top of your belly, finally enjoying the peace and quiet. Although, it didn't last for long. The front doors opened and Tony and Maria walked in, arguing.

"I'm just saying you can't do that! Wait until your mother hears about this!"Tony said as Maria walked into the living room.

"Dad, he was bothering Ben! I had to do it!"

"What's wrong?" You asked as Maria ran towards you.

"Ask your daughter." Tony mumbled out.

"Ugh!" Maria rolled her eyes.

"Maria." You warned, making her look at you.

"I was in the office when I got a call from the school." Tony began. "They said Maria was causing trouble."

"He was asking for it." She mumbled out.

"What did you do?" You asked her.

"A boy was bothering her boyfriend, Ben. So she punched him in the face and broke the poor kid's nose."

"What?" Your lips parted in shock as you turned your head to look at her."What did you do?"

"Not you, too, mom! I've already got a lecture from dad!" Maria said. "I was only defending Ben!"

"Why didn't Ben defend himself?" You asked her. "Why did you have to do it? What did Ben do?"

"... cried in a corner." Maria mumbled out.

"Dear God." Tony mumbled out, pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to keep himself calm. "What are we raising? One is a potential assassin and the other one runs around the house with no pants! Spencer, put your pants on right now!" Tony yelled as he picked up Spencer's pants from the floor.

"No!" The boy's voice answered and you rolled your eyes.

"I'm hoping those two won't be like them."Tony gestured at your 5 months pregnant belly. Let's just say, Tony's plan from that day in the kitchen took a wrong turn. You ended up pregnant - with twins. Both girls.

"Just hope." You sighed. "My back hurts."

"I'll give you a massage, honey. Maria, go to your room and do your homework, we'll have a talk later. Call me if you need help." He said and looked at you. "And I need to talk to Nat. She's the one who taught her how to punch people."

Just then, Spencer ran into the room with Rhodey running in right behind him, holding Spencer's pants. "Spence, you need to put your pants on!"

"No!" He jumped on the couch and Tony's eyes widened.

"Don't jump close to your mother!"

Spencer picked a spider off the wall, throwing it at Rhodey, who let out a loud scream. Spencer chuckled."Mom screamed like that last night, too!"

Tony's eyes widened.

"And dad told me to not come into their room."

"Oh my God." You said.

"Who needs enemies when I have children who are like this?" Tony grabbed Spencer's hands, lifting him off the couch and placing him on the floor. "Go to your room."

Tony threw himself onto the couch as soon as Spencer ran off with Rhodey."Oh, God. This is too much for me."

You chuckled, reaching out with your hand to move his hair off his face."You wanted more kids."

"Yes." Tony laughed. "I still do. They're just hyperactive. We should be more strict about their sugar consumption."

"You're the one who keeps falling for their acts and puppy eyes." You said.

His gaze went to your belly and he placed his hand on top of it. "I did that."

"Yes, you did." You said.

You saw the proud smile on his face and rolled your eyes. "I believe you still owe me that massage."

"Right." Tony mumbled out, getting up before helping you stand up as well."I'm gonna have you feeling reborn after we're done."

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 | 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now