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"Go away."

Taehyung looks over from TV to the doorway, where he can see Yoongi hyung taking off his jacket. He only scoffs and buries himself further into the pillows and the blanket. It's the first day of winter break and his stupid brother is not going to spoil it for him.

"I said..."

"I heard you. I decided to ignore you."

His brother stands right in front of the screen making him and Jimin groan in despair, which in result wakes up Yeontan between them. Yoongi hyung could be such an asshole. Scratch that. Yoongi hyung is such an asshole. Always.

"Get lost, we are watching, we were here first."

"I don't fucking care, kid. I'm older and we want to play."

Only then Taehyung notices Jeongguk hyung entering the living room and suddenly everything gets so much worse. Because Taehyung wears his worst, ugliest (but softest and most comfortable) t-shirt full of holes, the oldest grey sweatpants he owns, with grass stains on the knees that no matter what don't want to come off even after hundreds of washes and, and, if that would not be enough, he has his bear ear headband, holding his hair and green facemask making him look like an alien, Yoongi hyung claims he is. And, oh god, he wears his home only-family-and-Jimin-can-see-him-in-them glasses. Yeah, he wants to die.

"Hi Taetae, hi Jimin."

"Hi Hyung." Taehyung can practically feel Jimin's eyes on him, when he speaks, probably aware that Taehyung is too panicked to do this. "How's it going?"

"Not bad." he shrugs and Taehyung can't even look at him, he's so embarrassed. "What are you watching?"

"We're having a marathon of Christmas movies. We just started with the cartoon 'Grinch'. Do you want to join us?"

"NO!" Taehyung screams and sends Jimin an incredulous look.

"Yeah, no. Because you two go away and leave me and Guk alone." Yoongi hyung moves to grab the remote control lying on the coffee table but Taehyung is faster and kicks his hand with (oh god) his foot covered with gigantic and fluffy sock.

"Hyung, no. I've been telling you about this evening the whole week. Parents agreed and we're having a sleepover." he whines and pouts and tears well up in his eyes. "Why do you always have to ruin everything? Can you NOT be yourself once?"

"Hey, Taetae, it's okay." Jeongguk plops down next to him, clearly not aware of the effect it has on Taehyung's poor heart. "Come on, Yoongs. 'Grinch' is cool, we can watch movies with them."

Yoongi hyung really, really looks like he was about to argue some more but decides against it and moves to sit on the other side of Jeongguk hyung, not caring that there's no space whatsoever and all of them need to move just to accommodate his fat ass, which Taehyung doesn't miss to point out. It distracts him for a second from the fact that now he needs to spend one and a half hour with manspreading Jeongguk hyung right next to him. Great Jimin, way to ruin their evening. Sometimes he was as bad as Yoongi hyung. But then his best friend's hand finds his under the blanket and he sighs. Because he can't be mad at him, not really. Not when both of them know that Taehyung craves every little moment like this with Jeongguk hyung.

They pause twenty minutes into the movie so Taehyung and Jimin can take off their masks and to fetch more snacks because their hyungs eat like annoying pigs they are. And Yoongi hyung is small, where does he fit all of that food anyway.

"Are you okay, Tae?" Jimin asks when he dries his face with a fluffy towel.

"No, I'm not. I look like shit and it was supposed to be our night. Yoongi hyung knew it, he ignored it on purpose because he's an asshole."

"Hey, it's fun too. And we'll probably get free pizza, Jeonggukie hyung always pays when they hang out with us." Jimin smiles and it makes Taehyung feel a bit better. "Plus, don't pretend you don't secretly enjoy it. Hyung looks super cuddly in that oversized hoodie."

"Please, stop talking." Taehyung whines and throws his bear-headband on the counter. "I'm miserable. All I want is to snuggle but I can only cry and dream about it."

"I bet he would hug you if you'd try."

"Yeah, as a weird little brother of his best friend. It's not fair."

Jimin doesn't say anything at that, though he clearly wants to.

They both know Jeongguk hyung for most of their lives, Yoongi hyung befriending him in kindergarten at the age of five and the counter's running fine still thirteen years later. Taehyung actually doesn't remember the times before-Jeongguk hyung.

He heard from his mother that Jeongguk hyung was there when he said his first words, a bit later than other kids but immediately in full sentences. He remembers Jeongguk hyung peeking out from behind Yoongi hyung when Taehyung yelled with joy at the sight of his first bike, both of his hyungs teaching him few minutes later how to ride, running next to him because he was so scared and made them promise to not let him go. He remembers hyungs playing tag with him and Jimin which turned out a bit disastrous, as Jeongguk hyung fell and cut his left cheek on the table edge and since then he's sporting a tiny scar. But that was still before Yoongi hyung became the asshole he is till now. When they were kids, the four of them were hanging out quite often and Taehyung loved those times.

Everything changed when hyungs went to middle school and suddenly became too cool to spend time with babies. Clearly two years difference was too much or maybe that was just an excuse. Because Taehyung has always been a bit weird, Jimin being his only friend his entire life confirms that. So no one except his soulmate wanted to spend time with him.


Jimin's voice made him jump.


"You spaced out." Jimin giggles and hugs him. "Let's go back."

Taehyung groans but follows him out of the bathroom. And just like Jimin predicted, right when they enter the living room Yoongi hyung is putting pizza boxes on the coffee table, while Jeongguk hyung is paying at the door.

"What the fuck? Jeongguk, that one doesn't have meat! They mixed up our order." Yoongi mutters annoyed. "Call them."

"No, it's all right. Taetae and Jiminie are still having their month without meat, remember?"

Jimin sends Taehyung a pointed look. Ach, yes, Jimin claims that Jeongguk hyung is crushing on Taehyung just as hard as Taehyung is crushing on Jeongguk hyung, if not harder. Which he didn't fail to remind him in the bathroom before, talking about how enthusiastic hyung was to join them AND sitting next to Taehyung.

Clearly obvious signs of crush.

Bless his innocent soul.

"Whatever." Yoongi hyung sighs. "Sit down, kids and let's watch or get lost."

They don't say anything at that, just get back under their respective blankets and grab a slice of their vegetarian pizza. And Taehyung is just a bit more in love with his hyung, when he notices that half of it is without tomato. Because Taehyung despises hot tomatoes.

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