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"Okay, that is the last one." Jeongguk hyung huffs out after putting carefully the huge box signed 'TAETAE'S MOST PRECIOUS BELONGINGS' on top of one of the desks.

Jimin squeals and hugs Taehyung tightly. They've finally moved to Seoul, starting college in just a few days. Funnily, they moved into the dorm where Yoongi and Jeongguk hyungs have spent their last two years before they decided to find an apartment to have separate bedrooms, more space and privacy.

"I can't believe my little baby bear is such a grown up already." Yoongi hyung wipes away an imaginary tear, pulling Taehyung to his chest. "I remember when you were born and now look at you. A student!"

Jiyong, Jimin, Hobi and Yugyeom are cackling on Jimin's bed and Jeongguk hyung looks at them amusedly while taking off his jacket.

"You can't remember shit... Hyung!" Taehyung gasps, running over to the other and grabbing his right arm, putting it right in front of his face. "You finally got tattoos!"

He strokes delicately a pretty orange flower on his forearm, causing goosebumps on his skin.

"Does it tickle?"

"A bit." Jaeongguk hyung murmurs and shifts from foot to foot, letting Taehyung inspect everything.

"What does it mean?"

"It's a tiger lily, my birth flower. It means 'please, love me'." he says quietly.

Taehyung hums in understanding, seeing the letters under the flower matching the meaning of the flower. It's so sweet, he feels the sudden flood of love for his hyung spreading through his body fiercely. If he's being honest, he doesn't know how anyone could not love him.

Next to the letter "P" there's microphone and higher on the biceps there's colourful quote 'Winners never quit' which is such a Jeongguk hyung thing to tattoo on himself, Taehyung smiles fondly. Under the motto there's a storm cloud with a single lightning on the left side, the centre covering the top of the volleyball ball with the black sunbeams all around it. Every single one is so pretty, even prettier as they are on hyung's skin.

Jeongguk hyung clears his throat and tries to take his arm away but Taehyung twists it to see the other side, where right from the wrist up to the top of the shoulder (yes, Taehyung checks under the short sleeve of the t-shirt) goes the impressive branch with multiple twigs, full of small flowers, some of them yellow, some still waiting for the colouring. The tattoo is huge, the biggest of them all, taking over almost half of his arm and Taehyung can't help but run one fingertip along the main sprout enthralled.

"And this one?"

He didn't ask the meaning of the rest, they are all quite obvious but this one.

"I just thought it'd look cool." Jeongguk hyung finally takes his arm away and Taehyung pouts.

"They are all so cool. I can't wait to have my own tattoo done."

He waits a couple seconds for the message to click and smiles widely, when he hears his brother's loud gasp from behind.

"Your what?!"

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