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"Hyung, could you drive us to Hobi's house?"

Yoongi hyung pauses the game and looks at him bored.

"And why would I do that?" he asks, raising one eyebrow and Taehyung really wants to kick him but he can't.

Because he wants something from him and he knows very well there's no chance for his hyung to cooperate if he does something like that. Just a few more months he tells himself. He'll get his driving licence soon and he won't have to grovel to Yoongi hyung anymore, whenever he needs a ride. Or more like whenever he needs a ride and his brother happens to be home, which is not that often now, when he's started his uni.

"Well, for one, because we're asking nicely." Jimin next to him nods vigorously in agreement. "And two, we finally have another friend and he invited us, so I really don't want to mess it up."

Yoongi hyung looks at them for a couple seconds and they hold their breath.

"Fine." they cheer and high five each other. "Guk is coming over soon, so quick, let's go now."

They run to Taehyung's room to grab their previously packed backpacks and when they come back, Yoongi hyung is already waiting impatiently by the door.

Fifteen minutes later they jump out of the car yelling their thank yous and closing the doors a bit uncarefully, making Yoongi hyung yell so loudly they can hear him even outside the vehicle.

They met Hoseok at the beginning of the second grade of high school, when the boy transferred schools and the three of them immediately clicked. Six months later they were best friends and Taehyung and Jimin sometimes couldn't believe that they knew the other only for so short.

The door opens even before they reach the last step of the stairs leading to the house. A big smile on the face of their not anymore so new friend brings smiles on their faces as well.

"Are you ready?"

"Wow." Jimin looks at his reflection with wide eyes.

They all do, actually. They stand next to each other in front of the enormous mirror in Hobi's spacious bathroom and drink in the view.

Taehyung touches his silver hair and still can't believe that they actually did it. They were talking about dying their hair for months and finally decided to do it. Well, it was a bit of a favour for Hoseok's older sister Jiwoo and her two friends, who wanted to practise on someone. The girls' request was the push they just needed.

So now Taehyung was sporting silver, slightly curly hair (Jiwoo's hair straightener's courtesy as she refused to give him perm after already invasive decolorization), Jimin angelic just like his face blonde and Hoseok - ginger. They all look amazing and after puberty finally gave them some break, they actually start to be quite handsome.

"Okay, Narcissuses, get dressed, we'll do your make-up and let's go."

An hour later they enter the club. It's packed and Taehyung is quite nervous but Jiwoo assured them that it's one of the "good clubs" so everything's gonna be fine and because she knows the bouncer working tonight, they didn't even have to wait in line nor anyone asked for their IDs.

"Okay boyyyyys, have fun and we see each other at two."

With that three girls leave to find their friends and the boys make a beeline to the bar. They order some colourful drinks and toast laughing loudly.

A few hours and a couple of drinks later Taehyung is totally wasted and is having the time of his life. He's danced with so many handsome guys, talked with even more and he's never felt better in his own skin than tonight. He has no idea if it's because of the new hair or the gay club itself but he's relieved. Maybe he isn't a lost cause just yet, maybe there is still hope for him and from now on everything's going to get better and better.

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