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Taehyung and Jimin sit in the train to Seoul with earphones plugged in their ears, surprisingly for them not talking. They were going for the weekend to Yoongi hyung (and Jeongguk hyung but they had a silent pact to avoid him as much as possible) to see the last game of the university volleyball team before winter break and go to their "first" college party.

Yes, Jeongguk hyung not only is the best person ever but he also plays volleyball. One could think he could be a little less perfect but that's not an option for hyung.

And yes, Yoongi hyung is not aware that Taehyung together with Jimin and Hoseok attended a few college parties already, either alone or with Jiwoo and her friends. Taehyung just never felt obliged to inform his brother about such things and when hyung suggested a visit to spend some quality time together, Taehyung didn't even think of refusing.

After his unplanned coming out, his relationship with Yoongi hyung got significantly better with hyung being much nicer and going the extra mile to rebuild their bond. Taehyung many times wondered why him being gay changed anything for his brother so one evening during their binge watching of "White collar" he mustered up a courage and asked. Yoongi hyung seemed a bit surprised but admitted that he felt bad, that his own little brother didn't feel comfortable enough to tell him something so important, such a huge part of his life and had to struggle alone in the society where gays are still looked down upon. Taehyung can have Jimin, but they are a family. They used to be so close but they weren't anymore and it was Yoongi hyung's doing.

So now everything is much better, it's not so easy to get close again when Yoongi hyung lives in Seoul and visits once in every few weeks but they text and call a lot and Taehyung sees that his brother really tries and cares.

But at the same time it means Taehyung has a much harder time avoiding Jeongguk hyung, especially considering that both hyungs share the dorm together. He manages but it requires much more brain struggle than before.

After they leave at the train station, they catch a bus to the university campus and Taehyung lets his brother know that they'll be there soon.

"Are you nervous?"

He looks at Jimin who plays with his now light pink hair. His best friend is so pretty it sometimes hurts.

"A bit. It's the first time I'm going to stay there AND Jeongguk hyung will be there too. I've always insisted on going when he went to visit his parents." Taehyung starts to nervously pluck his nail cuticles. "And that whole match thing. I really don't need that. We know what it does to me."

"It's gonna be okay, Taehyungie. Plus, Jeonggukie hyung won't be the only player, maybe you'll find someone interesting."

Taehyung snorts at his eyebrow wiggling.

"Yeah, with an angry chaperone hovering over my head all the time."

"Nah." Jimin waves his hand dismissively. "At the party he's going to have his own fun and will leave us alone."

"We'll see."

Taehyung is a bit sad that Hobi couldn't come with them because they always had the best fun at the parties if all three of them were there but that weekend Hoseok is visiting his grandparents and had to decline the trip. Missing their friend, they quickly take a selca to send him before leaving the bus and going to Yoongi hyung's dorm.

There is just quick action of leaving backpacks and using the bathroom and they are already running to the sports hall to be there in time for a game. They make it right in time to see both teams enter the court, seats securely saved for them by Namjoon, Yoongi hyung's friend from his course.

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