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"Taehyungie!" the whisper greets him. "Come in, come in!"

He lets Mrs Choi drag him inside the house, Mr Jeon already taking his duffel bag from him. He catches the glimpse of the christmas tree in the living room before he's pushed inside the kitchen. And there he is. Jeongguk hyung in a cute pink apron, decorating the cupcakes on the countertop.

"Hi hyung."

His boyfriend lifts his head abruptly.

"Tae!" Jeongguk throws the pastry bag away and grabs Taehyung in his arms. "What are you doing here?" he asks quietly, nose buried in a petite sunflower tattoo behind his ear, as if he could actually smell it.

"I got approval for my three day vacation. Wanted to surprise you."

"I was going to visit you tomorrow. It's your birthday, I should be the one doing a surprise." Jeongguk hyung caresses his cheek lightly, still surprised but clearly happy. He then looks at his parents. "Thank you for letting me know, I would at least dress up properly."

"Sorry, son, you know we can't say no to Taehyungie." Mr Jeon winks and leaves the kitchen with his wife.

"Traitors." Jeongguk murmurs and finally kisses his boyfriend, parents out of the sight at last.

They kiss for a long, long time, the cupcakes forgotten, only them in their minds and perspective of just six more months of Taehyung's service to finish the two years of torment of being in a kinda long distance relationship. It's gonna be all downhill from here.

before i could even rememberWhere stories live. Discover now