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"Okay, that is the last one." Jeongguk hyung huffs out after putting carefully the huge box signed 'TAETAE'S MOST PRECIOUS BELONGINGS' on top of one of the desks.

Taehyung looks at him, having a weird sense of deja-vu. He's all covered in sweat and he blames hyung. Their friends wanted to help but Jeongguk refused. 'It will feel so much better if we move in ourselves, baby, it will hold this symbolism that we are on our own.'. Taehyung scoffs remembering these words. Jeongguk and his stupid symbolism. Symbolism his ass. He can keep that to the designs of his tattoos and leave it out of things that mean Taehyung carrying tens of heavy boxes and furniture.

"I hate you, I swear." he takes off his wet shirt and throws himself on the couch dramatically.

It's a nice flat. Three rooms, living room, kitchen with tiny storage room and bathroom. Not something most people their age can afford but Jeongguk hyung earns well enough for them to allow themselves some more comfort.

"No, you don't. You love me." Jeongguk climbs on top of him on the couch. "And I love you, I love you, I love you." he accentuates every confession with a kiss, each placed lower than the previous one, the last right above Taehyung's heart.

"Yeah, I love you." he brings his boyfriend's head back up to kiss him properly.

This. This is all he's ever wanted. No more separation hanging over their heads, no more years of pining one after the other, no more Yoongi hyung letting Yeontan to their bedroom if he decides they are too loud for his liking. Just the two of them. Happy and with a dog, which they will bring when everything is ready.

Taehyung stops the kiss, when he feels Jeongguk's wandering hands cupping him through his sweatpants.

"Hyung..." he moans. "We're both disgusting, we need a shower."

"I refuse." Jeongguk moves his kisses to Taehyung's ear and they both know that even though Taehyung's going to give more arguments to wait, it's already a lost game. "I can feel you're already hard for me, I don't wanna wait."

"Let's make a bed at least." it's not really convincing when he lifts his hips up to make it easier for Jeongguk to take off his pants, together with his boxers.

"Hmmm... bed has to wait for round two, we need to christen this fine couch first." one of hyung's hands leave his body, to grab something from his back pocket. Soon after Taehyung can hear the cap being open and then lubed up fingers touch his entrance, prodding in without much wait. "Or round three, the second one might be in the shower."

"You nympho. Who would have guessed that such a nice straight boy is going to be obsessed with some guy's ass." Taehyung gasps between words, letting hyung open him up and starting to feel more and more hot.

He can understand now why Jeongguk always likes to have sex after gym. A bit of exercise in the form of box lifting and everything already feels so much more intense.

"It's an exquisite ass, I would be a fool to not be crazy over it." Jeongguk smiles against his lips and soon he lines himself to slowly push inside, both moaning in pleasure. "And just for the record, not straight."

"Yeah? Prove it."

After all, they are too exhausted to do anything in the shower so they go straight to bed. First they fall asleep but Taehyung wakes up after an hour nap and wakes up his boyfriend with a blowjob which as always rewards him with a nice, deep fuck.

Taehyung wakes up in the morning wonderfully relaxed. It's Saturday and even with the perspective of unpacking all of these boxes scattered around the apartment, the day is afoot to be perfect. He can't wait to see all of his and hyung's things mixed together, belonging next to each other. He smiles to himself and turns around, just to discover Jeongguk hyung already awake, on his side with hand supporting his head.

"Good morning, bun." he grins, a warm feeling spreading through his heart at the sight of his favourite face.

"Good morning, my love." Jeongguk hyung smiles as well. "So, I've been thinking. We live together now and I've never been happier in my entire life. And since I've been crazy for you for so long and we've already lost way too many years... I don't want to have any more regrets and I don't want to wait any second longer."

He moves and only then the younger notices a small box in his other hand. Taehyung's a bit confused, his mind still a bit clouded with sleep, until Jeongguk opens it to reveal a simple, thin silver ring. He gasps and looks at his hyung, bulging his eyes at him.

"So, Kim Taehyung, the love of my life, will you marry me?"


Soooo that's it!

I hope you enjoyed - please let me know :)

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