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Taehyung enters the small lovely cafe he and Jimin discovered the first week of their studies. It is cosy, aesthetically pleasing, with one entire wall covered with plants. It freaks Taehyung out a bit, the possibility of hundreds of spiders living there, so he always chooses to sit on the other side of an open space. Usually it is the table next to the huge window, where he and Jimin can observe people while waiting for Hobi to finish his shift as a barista and join them.

Right now at that table there is Yoongi hyung and the moment he notices Taehyung, he waves at him.

"Hey, baby bear."

"Hi, hyung, have you ordered already?"

They started their weekly lunches after the summer break of Taehyung's first year and it turned out to be a great idea. At first they were arguing a lot, hyung still not totally able to perceive Taehyung as an adult but as a lanky teenager with no friends (that would be downgrade to Jimin, to call him such a name, he is much more than that) and absolutely no social skills. But after a few tries something clicked and they were finally closer than ever, talking about everything and anything. Taehyung thinks that it was also the reason why he feels so at ease at hyung's apartment and why he is so welcomed there. Yoongi hyung craves the company of his brother much more often than not.

They were so close at this point, the only two things Taehyung doesn't tell his brother is his hopeless love for his best friend and the bullying in middle school. They were talking about their school years, Yoongi hyung very interested in the topic as he was basically ignoring Taehyung during these times. But he didn't want to dwell on the past. It was hurtful and humiliating, so he decided to focus on only good aspects of his school years. Which generally meant that he was talking about Jimin but he loves talking about Jimin, so he was more than glad.

"So, what's the theme today? What are the new gossips?"

"Well, I got together with Susanna."

Taehyung gasps in a mock surprise.

"No way, I didn't expect that after the last four times this month. I start to think you two developed some weird-ass kink. Pun intended."

"That's more you." Yoongi snorts, making Taehyung cackle happily and leans back to let the waitress place their drinks.

That is another development in their relationship. Yongi hyung stopped being weirded out by the fact that Taehyung is sexually active, though they don't talk about it in detail. Not that there would be anything to talk about, Taehyung is painfully sex-starved, partially out of his own choice but he mostly blames Jeongguk hyung. Because he doesn't want to have sex with Taehyung. And he's the only one person Taehyung wants to have sex with so yeah, insuperable obstacle.

"Guilty as charged. Ass charged. Wow, I really need to get laid."

"You haven't slept with Jackson in a long time."

It's not a question because yes, they ended that arrangement or more like Taehyung ended it. He was embarrassed when he was telling Jimin that after his first cuddle session with Jeongguk he felt terrible, when we met up with Jackson but Jimin, as supportive as ever, didn't judge him and just suggested simply to break up-not break up with Jackson. It was good advice, Taehyung is much more at peace now but the man has his needs. At the time of advising, Jimin said they can always go back to fooling around but lately it got off the table, which reminds him.

"Yes, it didn't feel right anymore. And now even if I wanted to, I can't. Jackson got himself a girlfriend."


"Hyung, Jackson is bi, keep up."

"I know, it just slips my mind. It's easier when you swing only one side, like you and me. We are not greedy, we leave something for others."

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