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My heart is pierced by Cupid

I disdain all glittering gold

There is nothing can console me

But my jolly sailor bold

Taehyung sings that song all day, driving Yoongi hyung crazy. Older of the brothers keeps repeating that he regrets Taehyung and Jeongguk ever getting together and that the younger needs to stop hanging out in their apartment 24/7. As if them becoming a couple started it in the first place.

But Taehyung couldn't care less. It's been a few months since he and Jeongguk became a couple and they are still craving each other's constant company. Even if Taehyung was spending unhealthy amount of time in their apartment before, they didn't have this intimacy they finally, finally, have right now. Jimin jokes that Taehyung basically moved out of their dorm but Taehyung knows he doesn't mind. It means more privacy for him and Jiyong, so how could he really complain?

He keeps humming and puts on his makeup, Yeontan lying on his feet, when Jeongguk hyung enters the bedroom. Unlike Taehyung, he is still not dressed, pants hanging loosely on his hips, belt unbuckled, barefoot and shirt nowhere in sight. Taehyung takes a moment to appreciate the sight in the mirror.

His boyfriend is getting more and more gorgeous every day and he is not able to comprehend how that is even possible. During these last few months he finished his right tattoo sleeve and started the left one, a few fine artworks already there. The latest wave on his deltoid still with a second skin on makes Taehyung smile. It's supposed to represent Busan, where Jeongguk lived for the first five years of his life as, according to hyung, "One should never forget their roots, Taetae baby.". Then his eyes as usual slip to the biggest tree tattoo on right arm (with short stop on Jeongguk's abs, of course) and his gaze turns much fonder.

It was a few weeks after their confessions, they were lying in Jeongguk's bed after their first time together. And Taehyung was on cloud nine and overwhelmed with tremendous love. He was tracing the huge branch with yellow flowers on Jeongguk's arm, Jeongguk resting with his eyes closed. All of the flowers were already coloured and Taehyung got curious.

"Hyung?" only quiet hum answered him. „You never told me the meaning of this tattoo."

Jeongguk usually showed Taehyung his tattoos freshly after they were done, explaining the reasons he chose the specific design, sometimes even asking Taehyung for ideas or help with the sketches beforehand. But when he asked all those years ago when he moved to Seoul with Jimin about that one, he only got „I just thought it'd look cool" in return.

Jeongguk hyung opened his eyes and looked at him intensely.

„It's winter sweet." Taehyung looked at him expectantly, not understanding why that should tell him anything. „It means affection. And it's your birth flower."

He blinked a couple of times, trying to comprehend the information. He was aware that Jeongguk tattooed his own and also Yoongi's birth flower (his brother almost cried when Jeongguk presented him the fresh twig of larch flowers, though he would vehemently deny it) on his arm but the branch was definitely the biggest piece on Jeongguk's sleeve.

„What?" he was so overwhelmed he could feel the back of his eyes burning with tears.

„I didn't lie when I said I thought it'd look cool but it was not the main reason to get it." Taehyung mindlessly stroked one of the twigs with yellow blossoms, listening. „Even if you never reciprocated my feelings, you've always been one of the most important people in my life so I wanted to have something that would represent you permanently engraved on my skin. It is a bit masochistic, I have to admit if it wouldn't work out the way I wished it would be painful as fuck to look at it but well." Jeongguk caressed his cheek softly. "You'd still be my Taetae."

Taehyung went quite feral that night after that, knowing how important all the tattoos are for his hyung and how much thought he puts in every single one of them. Jeongguk was surprised but didn't complain, always joking later that his first experience with gay sex was exceptional. Not that Taehyung would brag about it but it always makes him proud. He likes to please his hyung, what can he say?

"Are you okay, love?" a sudden voice brings him out of his reverie. "You spaced out for a bit."

"Yeah, been thinking."


"How handsome you are."

Jeongguk snorts and comes closer after throwing the white shirt with buff sleeves on to quickly kiss the top of his head.

"You look not so bad yourself."

"Well, thank you, my jolly sailor bold." he croons and Jeongguk rolls his eyes before leaving the bedroom with Yeontan hot at his heels, so Taehyung can finish his makeup. "My heart is pierced by Cupid..."

They arrive at Jackson's house when the party is already in full swing and they have already passed at least three vampires on their way to the door.

"There's no creativity left in people." Yoongi hyung murmurs with disdain.

"Said the guy dressed up as a fucking cat." Taehyung grins at him and ducks the hit aimed at his head. Jeongguk grabs Yoongi's arm and pinches Taehyung's side.

"Behave. Both of you."

"Ok, dad." Yoongi mocks, squinting his eyes.

"Ok, daddy."

Both hyungs look at Taehyung shocked and they hear a familiar snort behind them.

"I'm gonna pretend I didn't fucking hear it. For fuck's sake. I hate you so much."

After that Yoongi hyung leaves and Jimin and Jiyong finally catch up with them. "A new kink unlocked, hyung?" Jimin jokes, patting Jeongguk on the shoulder.

"No, I..."

"No kink shaming here, mate. Especially a fine kink like that one. I particularly enjoy it myself." Jiyong winks and Jeongguk groans.

"Why out of all people, you two have to be the only other gay couple we know?"

"Don't be mean to me. I'm the one who taught you everything about gay sex you know."

The other three burst out laughing, not caring about his unimpressed look. Finally Taehyung gives the couple a once over to see their costumes. Both soulmates kept the theme of their outfits a secret, wondering if they were able to choose the same one. And Taehyung is more than delighted seeing what he sees.

"Well, well, Jiminie, well done."

"I think the two of you are creepy." Jiyong gives Jeongguk a meaningful look. "At least you are a nice pirate, I got to be some lame Disney prince."

"Prince Eric is not lame!" Jimin glares at him. "He was my first crush ever, have some respect." he throws his Ariel's long, red hair over his shoulder. "It was also the easiest costume you could imagine, so don't complain. Jeonggukie hyung at least put some effort in his."

"Well, more like I put some effort in it but hyung helped with putting together my tail, so he's forgiven." Taehyung adjusts his shell crown and turns around to present his outfit better.

"Yes, it looks awesome. Is that eco-leather? And the fins?" Jimin touches one of the side flippers, which go from his hips to his middletigh.

"Gukkie hyung printed them for me with a 3D printer."

"Sick. I ordered my tail on Amazon."

They get inside, Yoongi hyung nowhere in sight, and right away they are swamped by Bambam, Mark, Yugyeom, Namjoon and Jin, all dressed up as greek gods. Jimin and Taehyung leave their boyfriends and move to the kitchen.

"So," Jimin starts.


"Daddy kink?"

"I am so afraid to talk to him about it!"

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