Day at the park

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Michaela's Pov

I finally went to my parents house last night after the party because I knew Trinity and Jay were going to get it on last night. It was Saturday morning and It was 11:45! I knew I was going to wake up late because of The Party last Night.

I knew my Mom would be busy and I barely ever see my dad because he has work. I was so happy from yesterday! I just could not believe Diggy kissed me! I got in the shower and played "Strip" By Chris Brown. Even though it was a old song I loved it.

When I got out i got dressed and did my hair . Then I got a morning text from Daniel saying "GoodMorning". I put "go brush your teeth i bet your breath smells like shit! Just playing I love you!"

I really loved playing around with Daniel. It was so funny.

Txt Convo.

Daniel: Whatever My breath smells good I been brushed my teeth!

M-Ok... U say tht


M-Im playing boy! So what are u Up to

D- Nun Just watching Tv and eating breakfast.

M- Yumm what u eating ?

D-Nothing for u sweetie, just my HOMEMADE breakfast burrito

M- Homemade!.? Or Mcdonalds!?Lol but sounds Good.

D-You should come over I can make you one!

M- Address Please?

D- Get in your car first ! K

M- Fine Father!

D-Lol I will Txt u directions.

End Of Convo

Princeton Pov

Man...! I can't get that girl Kynadei out of my mind. She so cute and I love her long brown hair in that cute bun. Im glad I got her number but I scared to call her


P-He . .... hello *Clears Throat*

K-Hey Princeton

P-How did you know it was me?

K-I met you and Ummm.. I gave you my number at the Party!

P- Duhh Haha!!


P-So how you been since.. You know the Party!

K-I have been great thanks. for asking.

P- I was wondering if we could hang out to get to know each other. Maybe the park or the movies.

K-Sure Awesome! :)

P- Thanks 12:00?

K-When it's Convient.

P-ok So what are you up to?..


P-What r u drawing?.

K-( lies) A sunset . *She is drwing him.*

P-Beatiful! I love to draw too.

K-Uggh gotta go princeton Nice talking to you see you tommorow at 12:00.

P-Davidson Park area Ok!

K- Got it bye !

P- GoodBye

End Of Convo

MEANWHILE...... with Daniel and Michaela..

M-Ok im turning the corner right about.... NOW!

D- Oh yea i see your car im coming outside.

M- Hey Diggy

D-Hey Michaela! ;)


M-How you been. I know your concerts on Friday. The tickets are sold out but Good Luck!

D-Good Luck?

M-Yess have you never heard of luck Dumb Ass.... I'm Kidding..

D-Well i was going to let you come but you called me a dumb Ass!

M-And.... -_- Who said I wanted to see your concert.

D-You Do!

M-True! Haha I'm not going to front.

D-So what you wanna do.

M-I'm thinking about going to the Park you should tag along and get some excercise!

D-I'm RIPPED i dont need to excercise right now plus i will probaly pass you up and have to weight for you while you crawl on your knees and beg for water! *Cracks Up*

M-Shut Up! :0 My mile time is 5. 50 I dont think you can beat that! bumps his arm.

D-Lets See then! To the Park.....

Sorry Cliff Hanger not really lets just say you have a little hanger to hang on Lol!! :) Not Funny .. but Sorry i have been busy with track and Etc,So I have not been Updating :( Wish me luck for my track Meet! :)



dont be afraid to COMMENT i dont BITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

love, deniseLol123!

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