Part 13

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Kennedy Pov

I could not help my self at the concert ,I knew Princeton and the whole crew were going to be there I was so happy! Michaela seem like she was she was already used to dating a Celeberity. I am happy for her I guess It is not really that diffrent because Diggy was kind of her first actual love!

She does not really know the diffrence between dating a star or a regular sexy guy she met at the coffee shop. She does know the diffrence between sweet love versus a controlling Jackass!

I waited in my chair until I started hearing music! I started bopping my head because Mrs. Right came on and Diggy came on stage with Roc, Princeton ,Prodigy ,and, Ray Ray.

I was already jamming from the beat!!! Then Diggy jumped out and walk down the platform on stage

There go your boy i said as I nudged Michaela! She smiled If I was her I would not be I just literally screamed in her ear! It was so loud in the concert. I was jamming Diggy rapped his part. It was the best song live I thought! When they were done Diggy got in front and "Do it Like You " started to play!!!

Michaela's Pov

Diggy and Mindless behavior were doing such a great job! I smiled really big and Diggy smiled back at me! When he said the course he pointed at me ! I felt like I was in a movie. I am sooo glad they did not do the spotlight otherwise i would wierdly start blushing!

I could not help myself me and Kennedy were jammimg! We danced next to these other cool girls named Angelina and Brooklyn! They kept telling me Diggy was staring at me but I already knew he was. We were official ofcourse he would point out to me!

After hours of dancing and Singing and amazing rhymes the concert was put to a end! Kennedy and I had our Vip passes which we were going to use to Congratulate them on their great performace and Kisses!

We walked towards the VIP area they had security covering the building like weave on the floor after a fight ( A/N dont judge me Lol)

We showed our passes proudly and walked inside a room with a couch a chair a Tv and Fridge!

I saw a wrinkled towel on the floor. I looked passed it and spotted some jordans! My eyes sprang up his body! It was Diggy my Love!!!!

We ran up on eachother! He picked me up a little and sqeezed me! He pecked my lips and kissed my neck.

Then he whispered you give me hope faith and Love! I kissed him back again and said your my " heart my mind my soul my time! We hugged a while then I pulled away forgetting Kennedy was in the room and probaly had her eye on us for a while! I suprisingly looked around to see nothing but a couch a fridge an a Tv!

D- Don't worry babe she went to see Princeton next door!

M- Oh !

Michaela's Pov

I stepped away a little and picked up his towel! "Pick up your mess Daniel that is not how your parents taught you!"

D-Sorry I was only thinking bout you !

M- Nice try! I heard that one a hundred times

Kennedy Pov

I saw Princeton he called my name and turned around and smiled! He hugged me softly. He felt soooooo soft like a teddy bear! I loved just watching him breathe! I feel so good in his arms so warm and soft! I can't wait to meet his lips if I ever do My blood will rush!!!

P- Theres my #1Girl

K- Ofcourse

P-Laughs thank you for coming to supporting me you are a great fan!

K-*Giggles* Your very welcome! Any time for you boy"

P-I like you alot I just wanted to let you know that I appriciate you and I am going to somehow make you mine! ;)

K- ....... I already am yours! ;)

P-Perfect! I love to watch you smile it is beautiful! I always want to see that smile and make you happy!

K- *Looks Down*

P-*Uses finger to put on chin to lift head up*

P&K- Look into eachothers flickering eyelids!

<3<3<3<3KISS PECK KISS<3<3<3



Happy Belated Birthday Diggy!!!!

He is Now 18 O MY GOSH!! HE is growing soo fast and sprouting into a potential positive Person!!! :) Love him sooo much!!! #Jetsetter




FAN!!!!! PLEASE got good stuff up ahead!!!! A tradegy up next! :(

Find Out!..... love deniseLol123 <3<3<3

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