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   •On the Bus•

Diggy-We almost home

Princeton-You wish,we got a couple of hours.Good thing I gonna text Destiny

Roc-Ohh soo you lyin now ,I thought you threw her number away...

Prodigy-Lets not start

RayRay-Well I got my Kanye West playlist together soo don't bother me..

Walter -It's still 7:00 I'm gonna take a lil nap

RocRoyal-Me too

Ray-Ray-Runs to another seat Hell no you aint gonna drool on me.


*Girl walks on bus*

RocRoyal-Dang now I'm wade awake, Ayee shawty sit right here next to me

Girl-Omg!!! MINDLESS BEHAVIOR! and and DIGGY!!

[Everyone stares at them]

{Crowd rushes over to them}

Prodigy-Shit we aint ever gonna get to relax...

      ~Back at Michaela's~

Michaela-What's that noise??

          Davonni's room

Michaela-Hell noo!

D&C- (Get up from the cover)


Michaela-Your still here???

Davonni- I told him he could stay over,I hope that's not a problem

Michaela-Aslong as yall not fuckin im not fussin,

Cade-Nope,just cuddling


Michaela-Mmm well now that Im awake , imma call Diggy.

          (Phone convo) 




D-Ohh hey! Sorry im a lil tired you know the flight was cancelled and yeah We on a bus and all these girls..

M-It's cool,So how close are you?

D-Walter said about 6 hours

Michaela:Damn,Well baby I will be waiting

Diggy-I know you are,You should wait it that sexy lil outfit.i....

Michaela:Don't push it baby

Diggy-Can't wait to taste them lips again mmmmm

Michaela:Im gonna hang up now you freak,But guess what Chleo got me..


Michaela-A damn vibrator,he thought i was horny and stuff just because you gone

Diggy-Hahahahahaha,That's tooo funny,babe you want some batteries

Michaela:I made his sorry butt take it back crazy.

Diggy-Hahaha wow. We we bout to stop at a gas station,Text me baby

Michaela:Alright bye Daniel

Diggy- But hey..How come when we have sex you always call me Daniel...

Michaela:What the hell!

Diggy-See when you call me Daniel I know you horny..

Michaela-I'm not the horny one bye freak!

Diggy-Love youuuuuu

           ~At Michaela house~


Kynadei,Davonni and Cade run out their bedrooms

Michaela:Good Ne..

Cade-Where's the bacon??

*scratches blonde hair*

Michaela-At the store...Anyways GoodNews ! The crew is coming back in about 6 hours sooo Who's excited

Kynadei:Omg yess I can't wait to see Princeton!

Davonni-That's great I'm happy for you guys,But I think me and Cade are going to head out and get some breakfast.

Cade-I will bring her back before they come back (:

Michaela:Okay,Have fun you too

Kynadei:*whispers to Michaela * He is so cute

Michaela:I know,I had no Idea Davonni liked well you know.. Nevermind it does'nt matter

Kynadei:You umm gonna make that bacon ?

Michaela-Trippin'!! You got two arms,you not useless *Laughs*

  - In Room with Cade and    Davonni-

Davonni-We can head to your house to get your clothes,And so you can do your hygiene and stuff

Cade-Yeah,Do you like The Egg and I

Davonni-I actually never been

Cade-Oohh you will love it,They got this  seasoning for your bacon and the eggs too and the pancakes are too good

Davonni-Well I can't wait to try it. (:

   ~~~On the bus~~~

Ray-Ray-Yess I'm a virgin and no i don't have a girlfriend but that does'nt mean I'm interested jani

Janice-It's janice and fine be stubborn,you know you want this cake -walks away-

Prodigy-Yup my hair is blond

Janae-It's soooo soft like a poodle!

Prodigy-Yeah,you know. Well i would say it comes naturally,but uuuhhhm i can thank motions for that

Janae-*Laughs Extra loud,non stop* Ohh prodigy *shouts loud * YOU WERE MADE FOR Me!!

Princeton-Actually I'm listening to Nirvana,But i like Katy perry too

Katy-Yeah she is totally my idoooll! We even have the same name

Princeton-Yeah i notice that

Katy-Yeahh haha,Is that a.weave or your real hair

Princeton-Do I even have to answer that.....

Roc-Diggy these girls driven me crazy!

Diggy-Yeah they clearly don't understand what taken means

Roc-They thirsty...

Diggy-Ha.. i know

     I know it's short but It's a lil

In the chapter you can expect

•Cade and Davonni's Date

•Reunite The boys with Michaela and Kynadei

Love you guys!! Hope you likes





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