Mammoth (Oneshot)

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Harry gets up before Kendall does, slipping quietly out from under the sheets and tucking them beneath her before tiptoeing into the kitchen. They're still at Mammoth and it's just Harry and Kendall in the cabin. They'd stayed up late, just talking, Kendall opening up about her ex and how it sometimes gets to her, the assumptions everyone makes about her and her family without even ever seeing one episode of the show or giving them a chance to be normal.
Harry can't properly relate; he didn't grow up with the whole of America watching him and deciding what he was about before he'd even turned 18, but he knows what it feels like to have everyone judge you based off rumours and the whole celebrity thing. It was good to listen, good to talk about it with someone who wasn't in the band and get a different side of things.

They'd curled up in bed after, falling asleep still dressed as Harry pressed a kiss to Kendall's forehead. That's why Harry feels like he needs to cheer her up, looking in the fridge to see what's there because nothing's nicer than waking up to someone making you breakfast. There are eggs and rashers and a fresh load of bread that Harry's got to slice if he wants to make toast, as well as containers of strawberries and grapes and a hand of bananas that Harry suspects were specifically picked out for him. He whips on the apron hanging on the oven handle and gets to work.

When Kendall finally comes into the kitchen, hair a bit mussed and changed into a bathrobe, there's breakfast laid out on the table: scrambled eggs with bacon and toast, sliced fruits on the side and there's Harry, topping up two glasses with orange juice. She rubs the sleep from her eyes, feeling blinded by Harry's dimples. "Did you make all this?" she asks, looking around to see if there's a camera lurking somewhere.

"Yeah," Harry says, running a hand through his hair.

"Thought you could use a good morning after the chat we had last night."

Kendall feels her face go red, truly lets herself think for the first time that Harry just might be more than a few fun dates after wasting too much time with Julian.

She's hugging him before she even realises she's moved, kissing him on the cheek. "This was really sweet of you, Harry, like you didn't have to do all this."

Harry rubs her back soothingly, hand big and warm even through her robe. "I liked doing it, wasn't a problem."

Her stomach suddenly growls loudly, and they both laugh, Harry pulling away first. "Guess we should eat, yeah?"

"Yeah, hopefully it's as good as it looks and we're not getting poisoned."

Harry fakes an offended pout. "I'll have you know I'm quite good at cooking."

And Kendall has to admit, he is.

They don't talk about much as they eat, Harry mentioning he might finally let her teach him how to snowboard instead of running off to ski badly and return with bruises all over his legs and sides.

"Why don't we just stay in today?" Kendall says, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Harry shrugs. "If you want to. We could always just watch telly or find silly films on Netflix, remember that one I was telling you about-?"

He goes quiet when Kendall gets up, coming over to sit on his lap. She looks at him, hair falling over her shoulder as she runs her tongue over her bottom lip. And Harry gets it then, leans in to press their mouths together.

"Just wanna thank you for breakfast," she says, slipping out of her bathrobe so she's just in a lace pair of underwear that Harry can practically see through. His breath hitches as she goes down on her knees, pulling his cock out of the flap in his pyjama bottoms and tugging him off slowly until he starts to get hard.

He lets out a quiet 'fuck' when she puts her mouth on him, blowing him right there in the kitchen with their half-finished breakfasts still on the table. She's good at this, got over her initial shock at Harry's foreskin and has since learnt to just slick it back and tongue beneath the head because that always makes him breath heavily and tangle his fingers in her hair, fucking her mouth as deep and hard as she can take without gagging.

"Fuck, Kendall, I'm gonna come soon," he says, and she just sucks him harder, lets him come in her mouth and swallows it down, pulling off with a loud, wet slide and licking her lips just to see the way his eyes follow her mouth.

"You're amazing," he says, breathless.

She just smirks, getting up and kissing the top of his head.
They end up having a shower together, Harry eating her out in the shower because he likes to keep it equal, saying it's only the gentlemanly thing to do.

They end up watching funny Christmas movies and fucking in between, and when they turn up for dinner with Kendall's family, everyone just smirks knowingly, Khloe thumbing at a hickey on Harry's neck and saying, "Kendall!"

But Kendall doesn't care, she's happy and Harry holds her hand under the table.

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