Luck of the Irish

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He knew. The moment she stepped out of bed this morning and wobbled into the bathroom, he knew something was off.

"Baby, are you alright?" He asked from his side of the bed. She put her hand on the dresser for support, the other on her lower back.

"Yeah, I'm alright. She's just having her morning stretch," she laughed softly. Looking over at him, he was sprawled out in his briefs and lazily sat up.

"You should be staying home, I won't be late." Kendall shook her head quickly. "Absolutely not! Harry we talked about this, I'll be fine. Plus, it'll be fun watching you guys at this photo shoot," she smirked. "You just want to see me struggle," he mumbled while rolling his eyes. "And you are so right," she laughed as she made her way into the bathroom.

Turning on the shower, she felt another jolt. "Easy there, bean." She let out a long breath and climbed in, automatically relaxing as the hot water cascaded over her skin.

Although morning sickness swung by rarely, Harry made sure he had a cup of ginger tea waiting for her on the counter. Earlier in her pregnancy, it helped keep the nausea at ease. She had promised Harry that she began to feel better lately, but he insisted her had a cup to stay on the safe side.

He looked out of the kitchen window and saw the snow continuously falling heavy. Kendall walked into the kitchen and sat at the island. "Still snowing, huh?" He sighed and nodded, watching Kendall sip her tea. He came around the island and leaned down to kiss her round belly softly. "Can we come out and see daddy already?" She let out a laugh. "Let's stay inside today, daddy's already running late," she poked her finger into his shoulder.

"Alright, alright, let's go." He helped her off the stool and into the foyer where he helped ease on her shoes and coat. She felt it again, that jolt that clenched her stomach. He stopped, one shoe on his foot, and looked at you.

"Babe, I can call and canc-" "Harry, I'm okay. Relax, baby." He sighed and grabbed his keys in one and his other in hers, help her trudge through the snow and safely into the passenger seat of his large car. Kendall, too, had felt a little weird this morning. The pressure in her belly different than the usual.

Once at the studio, he ushered her in, hand on the small of her back. As they both rounded the corner, she spotted the other four boys, who grinned when they spotted her with Harry.

"Harry, you're late! We need to get something done about that mess on your head!" Lou had rushed him off from Kendall's side, making sure to drop a kiss on her cheek, and on to one of the chairs near her equipment.

"How're you feeling, Kenny?" She turned to meet the Irish accent and piercing blue eyes next to her. Shrugging, she leaned against the wall.

"Like I really need to pee, where's the bathroom?" Niall laughed and glanced at Harry. "Hey, Curly! I'm escorting hot mommy to the loo, you just sit there and be pretty." Harry glanced up at you, concern in his eyes. "I'm fine, Harry. Your daughter is sitting on my bladder," she latched on to Niall's arm and smiled. They both made their way to the elevator and patiently waited for it to read "1". Kendall flashed her boyfriend a reassuring smile and headed up with Niall.

Kendall leaned against the wall of the elevator and closed her eyes. There it was again, only this time, it was much worse. Niall kept his eyes on her, unsure of what was happening. She laid a hand on the underside of her stomach and let out a deep breath.

"Sh-Should we go back down?" His own voice trembled. Water. Tons of it and it trickled down her legs, staining her jeans. Her eyes shot open and looked at him.

"N-Niall.." "Oh my God," he frantically pressed the button of the elevator and took her hand. "Deep breaths Ken." He tried to stay calm, taking deep breaths with her.

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