" all bruised and bloody"

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I landed in the middle of a forest? "what the hell?" i whisper to myself not paying attention to where i was walking and fell down a ditch, and heard a "Ow what the hell?" From a recognisable sassy blonde.

"Sash?" i ask sitting up abit, "Yeah who else would it be dumb ass" she says hitting my arm. "Ow, what the hell Sasha!" i exclaim grabbing my arm "sorry about that" I said scratching the back of my neck. "we are cool don't worry" she says smiling " your wrist does look kinda purple" she says nervously pointing at my wrist "how much you wanna bet I've got a broken wrist?" I say jokingly trying too lighten the mood.

We both just laugh then suddenly hear a branch cracking followed by an inhuman roar "Sash?" i say fear laced in my voice, i have a firm grip on her arm "S-Samson?" she stutters equally as terrified.

Suddenly a massive prang mantis emerges from the bushes "holy shit.... big bug, big fucking bug!" i whisper exclaim, at the sheer size of the 'bug'. "are they normally that big?" i whisper rhetorically, she shakes her head.

The 'bug' lets out a blood curdling scream and steps forward, "run?" I ask terrified, she only nods and begins sprinting in the opposite direction.

I start running after us while the bug is chasing us, "FASTER SASHA!" I yell my lungs starting to burn and my legs aching from, the sprinting. I start rapidly panting as i push myself to keep sprinting.

"Whoa- AH" i exclaim as i trip over some type of rope that wraps around my ankle and hoists me up rapidly. "Sam!" Sasha exclaims  looking up at me, I'm at least 15 feet in the air, "shit, sash hide!" i exclaim hearing the monster foot steps get closer. The 'bug' walks under me and slowly looks around before carefully listening to it's surrounding, I hold my breath and close my eyes as i know if that monster looks up and see's me im basically a free meal.

After a couple of seconds it turns around and leaves in defeat. "holy shit" Sasha laughs as it leaves our view, I take a gasp of air and start giggling as well "get me down! Before the blood goes to my head." I giggle while still swinging upside down. 

"who would have even  put this here?" I think out loud realising how weird this situation is, "We did" An unknown voice comes from behind us. Sasha's head spins around at the voice, while i struggle to spin myself around, "Sun of a bitch" i say struggling, after spinning around dreadfully slowly, the voice is revealed to be a... Toad? And next to him is an army of them. Welp that's just fucking marvellous. The army surrounds Sasha and pin her to the floor "Let her go!" i exclaim, reaching up to try to undo the rope, "good luck" The toad says acknowledging my frustration, "Wait?" I  start to laugh, everyone looks confused, even Sasha "Are you British?" i ask with an amused smirk, suddenly Sasha starts laughing while the toad goes red. "tie her up" the toad points at me unamused at my antics "I am" i say laughing "Holy shit this place has British toads!" I exclaim to Sasha causing us to laugh even harder.

"OOF" i exclaim as the rope around my ankle drops, the toads force me on my feet "easy! I bruise easily" I exclaim nearly tripping over my own feet. The toads give me a weird look before dragging me up to 'leader toad' "i can't really salute, sorry" i say sarcastically raising both my shoulders where the guards are gripping. "Has anyone ever told you that you're very bad mannered?" The toad asks stepping closer to me threateningly "many actually shall i count?" i ask sarcastically grinning, causing Sasha to start snickering at my sarcasm. The Toad lets out a fed up sigh taking a small step away from me. He then quickly turns back to me in a swinging motion hitting my cheek and nose with his fist.

I stumble a bit but the guard forcefully keeping me in place, "ow" i mumble moving my nose and blinking. "Sammy you ok!?!" Sasha asks, worry lacing her voice, "Yeah" I say my hair all in my face, blood from my nose meeting my lips, I spit the blood all over the toad with a shit eating grin.

"Take that one to the holding cell" The toad says pointing to Sasha, "But that one.." he starts pointing a stern finger to me, "you toads can handle that one........ any way you want" he says with a sinister grin. "W-what do you mean?" i ask, frightened. "Oh you know..." he whispers in my ear, before punching me hard in the gut, knocking all the wind out of me causing me to double over on my knees, coughing harshly.

"SAM!" Sasha yells worried, "im- im fine" i say coughing. "Up" one of the toads holding me says sternly. I don't answer, my head is hanging low while I'm on my knees. he suddenly grips my hair making me look at him "I said up" he commands, I slowly stand my nose bloody and bruised.

I spit the blood out from my nose and slowly start walking to a cell on wheels. The guards forcefully throw me in. I land on my arm and let out a yelp of discomfort from the harsh fall, before Sasha gets chucked in. "HEY! Go easy on her!" I yell at how rough they are with her. One gives me a stern look before slamming the doors shut causing the cell to shake

I lean up against the wall of the cell as we start moving, "Holy shit Sam are you ok?" Sasha asks cupping my cheeks looking at my nose, "Yeah, doesn't really hurt" I lie. "Lies" Sasha says reading my lie like a book "Ok maybe it hurts a bit" I say trying not to worry her, she just raises her eyebrows with a 'bitch really' look "Ok a lot" i whisper fiddling with my fingers. "Makes sense you are all bruised and bloody" she says with a humourless pant.

She sits next to me leaning against the wall "Sammy?" She asks after a couple minutes of silence, "Hm?" i reply too tired to talk, "promise that no matter what happens, we will stick together" she says turning to face me, i mimic her actions "i promise" i say holding out my pinky finger, she joining her pinky with mine, "always and forever" i say quietly looking up at her, she smiles and softly takes me into a hug, taking into account my injuries.


The girls lay there engulfed in a hug, scared of the future in this unknown world. Sasha was terrified of what was going to happen to one of her best friends. They both knew roughly what to expect, but sadly they had under estimated how rough the toads would be to Sam for insulting the most ruthless toad leader ever.

They were both exhausted, Sasha was the first to drift away to dream land, comfortably resting in her best friend's arms. But Sam hadn't just yet, as she felt her friend snuggle more she silently made a promise to never let any of them hurt her. And she would do anything and everything in her power to keep them promises.

Sam finally fell into slumber bruised and bloody, thinking of a certain raven haired nerd while holding Sasha, as if she was to let go she would melt.


Hi! Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

My plan is to make Sam the big strong one but after toad tower and *blurred spoilers ;)* That changes because *more blurred spoilers*

The Solider or the poet? ~ Marcy Wu x FEM!OC x Sasha WaybrightWhere stories live. Discover now