"You deserved to win"

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I woke up and tried to sit up but instead felt a heavy weight on my chest, I looked ever so slightly down and I was met with a ball of blonde hair. I gently lift Sasha off my chest and onto a pillow trying my best not to wake her before getting out of bed and stretching causing quite a few bones to crack before starting my day.

I put my hand on the back of my neck and feel like something's missing. Oh yeah haircut. I think to myself before heading to shower. After my shower i slowly peep into our room and see Sasha is still asleep. "Ok great" I whisper as i slowly walk into the room with nothing but a sports bra and the sweatpants i wore the night prior. I quickly grab my armour which is very similar to Sasha's but with no cape and instead of a dark red colour it's an ever so slightly faded white.

As I'm putting on my sword holster i hear moving from Sasha  "Morninggg" I tease as i walk over to her and boop her nose, she swats my hand away with a groan, she sleepily pats her wrist with her finger signalling she want to know the time, "Around 9 I think" I say ripping the blankets off of her, "No" She whines turning away from me "Sasha training starts soon" I state crossing my arms, She groans at me again "Oh my god you say that im a child.... hypocrite" I scold as i pick her up. She immediately starts trying to wiggle her way out of my grip, after a couple seconds of extreme failure she finally gives in and starts changing into her armour"She that wasn't so difficult was it?" I ask sarcastically, making our bed. She puts the middle finger up at me causing me to laugh and she groans again. "Christ your so lazy" I laugh to myself "Shut up" She huffs walking out of the room. "Waitttt!" I whine jogging up to her.

As we reach the courtyard we are approached by Grime "Good morning girls" He welcomes us making a gesture to follow him "Morning sir" I reply walking after him while Sasha follows picking at her nails. I shove her slightly reminding her to stop doing that "Sorry, bad habit" She mumbles scratching her nose.

We reach some sort of arena, Grime holds out two swords one with a dark crimson handle which Sasha's eye light up upon seeing it and chooses that one, the other a quartz white handle with a thin line of gold running from the top half of the handle up to the tip of the sword. "Thank you Grime" I thank with a smile on my face swinging it around before putting it securely in my holster, "You may want to take that out" He states putting his arms behind his back standing in front of us. I quickly take it out holding it securely in my right hand, I give him a confused look as a group of toads surround me and Sasha making a circle with us trapped inside, "Hey what the hell Grimsey?" Sasha exclaims walking up to him only to be blocked by a toad, "I want to see your sword fighting skills, so you two must duel" he states coolly with a sinister smile, "Wait what?" I exclaim in confusion, "No going easy on each other, your enemy won't go easy on you and........" he drags thinking of something "Loser has to.... sleep in the holding cell for the night." He shrugs with a shit eating grin. "WHAT!" Me and Sasha yell at the same time, "No buts! Begin" He states.

Me and Sasha slowly circle each other with her sword scrapping  against the floor making a loud scratching sound, I take a deep breath and stop circling and mumbling a quick 'sorry' to Sasha making her tilt her head before pouncing on her swinging downward. Our swords clash together as we swing at each other. Sasha has a good grip on her sword making her easily reflex my swings but I have the advantage of strength. She swing her sword up so fast i cant block it leaving a huge gash from my forehead through my eyebrow just missing my left eye, I let out a yelp at the impact as the cut is deep causing me to stumble back holding my hand over my eye with my left hand. Sasha's eyes widen in realisation as she sees the blood running down my hand leaking over my armour leaving a faint red trail. I slowly stand up removing my hand from my eye and blinking to adjust to the light blood smeared down the left side of my face, "Sam oh my god im so-" "It's ok" I cut her off with a smile raising my sword again. She gives a sceptical look before hesitantly raising her sword with a deep breath. We start swinging at each other again but with my injury my reaction times are greatly slower with not being able to see out of my left eye having closed it to ensure no blood gets in it, she manages to slip behind me to my left i don't see her so i react to later as she swings at me causing me to be able to stop her but at the cause of her ripping my shirt under my armour resulting in a roughly 6 inch cut down my forearm. I yell in pain as i manage to push her sword back causing her to fall  and her swords end up in the opposite end of the ring. My sword is aimed at her neck as i pant from exhaustion before throwing my sword away and helping Sasha up onto her feet. She examines my arm with a guilty frown realising how deep it is. "Enough"  I exclaim hoarsely walking over to where Grime is, "I forfeit" I exclaim spitting blood that has its way from my forehead to my mouth as i talk, "Very well then" He states calling over a medic to bandage up my injuries before congratulating Sasha on her victory and having her personally escort me to the holding cell.

The Solider or the poet? ~ Marcy Wu x FEM!OC x Sasha WaybrightWhere stories live. Discover now