Stupid fucking bird

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"Get your own food you dumb bug" Sasha says after squashing a bug with a rock. Needless to say after the whole 'wrist incident' me and Sasha are chained to the floor, which isn't very fun.. like at all. I have also been walking on eggshells around Sasha after the kiss, while she has been acting like it didn't even happen.... Ok that's not true i do catch her staring sometimes and shes not very good at hiding it as she looks away and goes red every single time.

"Huh?" Sasha says out loud at the sound of the door opening revealing Percy. "hey Sasha, Sam brought ya dinner, cricket Thursdays!" Percy says in a good mood shows us two bowls of 'soup'... ok i dont know what the hell its supposed to be but at least its semi edible. Percy is probably my favourite toad here, he is so innocent yet so funny. "Percy!" Sasha and I exclaim at the same time, with a smile on our faces. "hey ive been working on my act do you two wanna see it?" She asks with an awkward smile, "Totally! Bring it" Sasha says confidently with a smile and i just nod, not really in the mood to talk. "Ok! stay right there!" He exclaims all giddy before running away to get his instruments. "Not like we can really go anywhere" I joke to myself causing a snort from Sasha.

Percy walks back in, covered in instruments from head to toe, and begins his act which involves him jumping around while playing them somehow... and ending with him rotating on his back with a drum attached to it. "TA-DA!" He exclaims with a proud smile on his face "Woo wow!" Sasha says clapping with a smile on her face while i just clap grinning. "get it toad!" Sasha says finishing her clapping. "That was legit Percy! honestly your wasting your time here as a guard" she says smirking "oh god" i mumble, shes gonna convince him to quit like the other 4 times this week,   "You know what? You're right!" Percy says putting his helmet on the skeleton next to him, "Welp there goes our entertainment" I yawn while standing up to stretch.Percy puts on his jester hat "Thanks Sasha! I can wait to see the look on grime's face when i tell him that I-" Percy is cut off when he walks into someone causing him to fall over, he looks up with a terrified expression to meet the stern look of grime staring at him.

"Tell me what" Grime says in a threatening tone, "Uhhhhh" Percy says not looking at him, but rather the door behind him. "That i quit and i always hated this job byeeeeeeee" he states running down the stairs. Wow I didn't know he could run.

"Hey Grimsey!" Sasha says in a bubbly tone, while i just wave and begin doing sit ups. Since i wasn't being taken out to help with chores all day i found that exercising was a good way to pass the daylight hours after my wrist healed, while Sasha sarcastically cheered me on until she got bored..... which was very quickly.

"What's that, the fifth toad I've talked into leaving this week?" Sasha asks with an amused smirk "There's plenty more where that comes from. And far more loyal than Percy." Grime replies sick of Sasha's behaviour, "Are you about that? You're not exactly Mr Popular around here" Sasha expresses checking her nails, "ENOUGH" Grime snaps clearly losing his patience, "Know who-" Grime says angrily grabbing the bars of the cage "Sent us?" "No one" "How'd we get here?" "Don't know" "What do we want?" "To find our friends and go home" Sasha and i state sick of the constant interrogation "Haven't we been through this enough times?" Sasha states clearly bored of grime.

"it will be enough when you both start giving me real answers until then-" "Captain Grime!" Grime begins but gets cut off by braddock, "Sir!"  she salutes him "oh heeeyyyyyyy Sash , sammmmm" She exclaims waving at us, "Braddock! Hey girlfrienddddd, hows the garden coming along?" Sasha exclaimed glad to see her, "Hey braddock" I gave her a friendly smile and wave before sitting next to Sasha, a few sweat droplets still on my forehead. "Oh its gorgeous you should see the squash-" Braddock babbles "DID YOU NEED SOMETHING SOLIDER?" Grime interrogates  about her sudden appearance, "OH RIGHT YES! We may have a small problem" Braddock states in an uncertain tone.

The Solider or the poet? ~ Marcy Wu x FEM!OC x Sasha WaybrightWhere stories live. Discover now