"Are you sure... darling?"

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"WHAT? SHES HERE? IN THE VALLEY WHERE!" I exclaim slamming my fists on Grime's desk as he told us that Anne is alive and in amphibia, "A little town called 'Wart wood', but we are not just going there for 'Anna'- 'Annie'? What ever her name is, but since the frogs in that town stopped paying their taxes due to a revolutionist by the name of 'hopediah plantar', other towns around the valley have been following in his foot steps." Grime explained walking to a board with a map of the valley on it and a photo of a frog with red and blue colouring. "If we successfully execute Hopediah we toads promise we can help you two,Anne and the other girl find a way back to your home." Grime states turning to us, "Deal" Sasha says quickly not even thinking about the consequences, I nod sternly in agreement "Brilliant we shall leave at sundown you two are excused," Grime finishes and me and Sasha leave his office.

I push some hair out of my face with a long yawn, "Tired?" Sasha asks as we walk to the courtyard, i give a small nod as i blink numerous times to try to stay awake. "What do you wanna practise?" I ask stretching my arms over my head, "Hmm" Sasha thinks to herself "I don't actually know..." She claims with a blank face and shrugged shoulders. I crack my knuckles slowly and one-by-one. "Ok" I mumble half zoned out, "You okay?" Sasha asks, "Yeah i'm.. i'm fine" I say faking a smile. She sighs before crossing her arms and staring at me- unamused. I lift my shoulders at her piercing stare, "Sasha im fine" I say with a nervous laugh. She doesn't move. "Ok fine! I'm just- I miss her" I mumble looking at my feet. I hear her moving towards me, as i see her shadow stand in front of me i slowly feel a pair of arms snake around my shoulders. She's hugging me.

"We both do" She mumbles, her face buried in my hair, i snake my arms around her waist and gently lift her and spin her around. She lets out a surprised squeak with a giggle causing me to smile and spin her again,faster. "Stop!" She exclaims through laughter and I let her down holding her hands to avoid her falling. "You good?" I ask with a stupid grin, she nods smiling.

"Now lets actually spar" Sasha states raising her fists, i dont reply and raise my fists.

Sasha swiftly takes the first strike, I manage to duck and slip behind her, she spins around with a punch knocking the wind out of me causing me to unintentionally take a step back and raise my head taking deep breaths with closed eyes and a smile. "You've gotten quicker" I pant my eyes still closed and head still raised, "you've gotten slower" she responds I can practically hear her smiling "are you sure.." I quickly grab her fist, twist it slightly not her hurt her just to cause some discomfort and push her back against mine "darling?" I whisper in her ear. I feel her tense beneath me, I let go but I'm quickly tackled down by a quite red-faced blonde "yeah" she mumbles.

She is laying on my stomach, her arms either side of my head, our faces inches apart. "Positive?" I ask rhetorically my eyes switching from her ocean blue eyes to her lightly toned lips.

She doesn't reply.

I feel her inching closer, but stops but doesn't move her glance. I give a slow nod and begin to inch myself closer. As I feel the warmth of her lips my eyes close and I balance myself with my left elbow,while my right hand gently cups her cheek, I feel her lean into it as I gently stroke it with my thumb.

We pull away to breathe. We don't move,panting I look up at her a smile on my face. My gaze softens as I see her looking already at me.

"This is my new favourite spar"


                        Hi so i originally wanted to make this longer but i just couldn't since i didn't know how to pan it out. I'm so sorry about the surprise hiatus my mental health has been really REALLY shitty, to the point i needed to take 2 weeks off of school ;-;.

The next chapter will contain some flashbacks (how Sam meets the Boonchuys) and HOPEFULLY the reunion.

Until then, Bye!

The Solider or the poet? ~ Marcy Wu x FEM!OC x Sasha WaybrightWhere stories live. Discover now