A Dislocated wrist and dancing

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Ever since we got to toad tower life has been a living hell.But like every thing in life i got used to it. Sasha has just been stuck in our cell all day, while I've been forced to help all day long, it's exhausting and if i even do one thing wrong, i get a beating. Which affects my work the day after making it a vicious cycle. And of course as a cherry on top of the fuck-you-sundae i get barely any sleep at night as i was never a great sleeper even at home.

"Up" A toad says to me as soon as the sun emerges from the horizon "Were you waiting outside for me?" i ask with a sarcastic smile while stretching, i wince as i stretch my back. Wow who knew sleeping on the floor was that bad?

He rolls his eyes as he opens our cell, I walk out yawning and cracking my knuckles. "Already?" i hear a low voice coming from behind me. Sasha. "Yeah Sash its dawn" i say giving her a weak smile, "you aren't sleeping Sam" She says sitting up, her eyebrows furrowed together. "How do you always know?" I ask, confused since she always falls asleep first "My secret" she says with a cocky smirk laying back down.

Me and the toad walk out and i hear Sasha say "Go easy on her!". "Not likely!" i exclaim back walking down the spiral stairs. "Stop pushing me" i snap at the toad walking behind me, he doesn't respond and shoves me making me fall down the stairs. Luckily we where practically at the bottom and i was able to quickly fix my composure, "You son of a bitch" i utter swinging my fist at him, in which he grabs straight away and begins slowly twisting it "Ok- ow ow ow ow ow ow  ow ow!" i yelp my whole arm twisting with it. 

He doesn't stop.

After another minute of me screaming in pain we finally hear a very loud cracking/popping sound as my wrist pops out of place, causing me to wail even louder from the pain. "well your useless now" the toad says in a cold voice before dragging me away from the tower "SASHA" i scream trying to wrestle my way out of his grip. 

I manage to squeeze out of his grip and run faster than i ever have before to the castle, up the stairs before reaching our holding cell with the guard completely out of sight.

"Sammy? whats going on?" She questions, panic laced in her tone. She looks at my wrist and lets out a squeak of shock " what happened?" she asks grabbing my wrist "Easy!" i exclaim through the bars "Listen to me ok sash-" i start urgently but get cut off by the guard picking me up roughly "Let me go!" I exclaim wrestling in his grasp "SAM!" Sasha says, hitting the bars "LET HER GO!" She yells tearing forming in her eyes "NO NO NO" i scream being dragged out of the room.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!" A deep voice booms causing the room to go silent. The only thing heard, is his deep breathing and my grunts from the guards grip. The guard drops me and quickly salutes grime, while im sitting on the floor holding my wrist, "Captain sir she-" The guard speaks not moving "Don't even speak" he says in a cold voice, "What happened?" he asks me bluntly squatting down to my level, "he pushed me down the stairs so...... i kinda punched him" i take a pause and breathe before continuing "But.... he grabbed my fist before i could and started twisting and twisting and twisting until-" i raise my dislocated wrist as 'evidence'. Grime lets out a deep sigh and helps me up, "Thanks" i mumble, he points to the cell and i slowly walk in still having a soft grip on my wrist, "I get a doctor to look at that" Grime says awkwardly before leaving the room the guard following suit.

"Sash i-" im cut off by Sasha hugging me so hard i fall backwards, she  pulls away resting on my lap "Your so stupid, stupid, stupid" she exclaims punching my my chest tears forming in her eyes "I know" i mumble closing my eyes "I thought they were gonna take you away" Sasha whisper sadly "so did i " i whisper matching her tone. "But-" i start making Sasha look up at me "I've got a promise to keep" i say smiling at her, she smiles back before gently engulfing me in a hug. I hug back.

The Solider or the poet? ~ Marcy Wu x FEM!OC x Sasha WaybrightWhere stories live. Discover now