Chapter 13~ Finally

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He's dead, finally! I go over to the guy, taking off the tape on his mouth, and untying him. "Are you ok?" I say, worried. "N-Nae.... K-Kamshamida.." He says, cutely. "My names (y/n)" I say, putting out my hand. "M-My names SeokJin" he says, gently taking my hand in his and shaking it. "So could you tell me what would've happened if I didn't save you??" I ask, getting a new shirt from my bag. "He would have killed me and... Eaten me" he says, shivering and putting the shirt on. "Well you hungry?" I ask, getting a nod in reply. I take out a orange and a water bottle. "Here *hands food and drink* don't drink all the water, we only have limited resources" I say. After he finishes, I guide him out to find the others.

"There's others!?" He says, surprised. I nod while giggling. "Tae-ah!?" I say, "Tae?" I say again. "Where are you?" I question. "Right here!" He says, jumping to hug me. "Yah don't do that again!? You scared me" I say, holding onto my heart as if I was gonna die. "Mianhe, I just really missed you!" He says, hugging me again. He releases from the hug and I introduce SeokJin. "Everyone this is SeokJin, SeokJin this is Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi, Kei, and Eric" I say. "Nice to meet you all" he says, nervously. "So... Is he coming with us??" Yoongi asks, I nod in reply. "Let's get going now..." I say, "but (y/n)~ I'm tired" Yoongi says, hugging my arm.

"Where are we gonna stay huh!?" I ask, looking down at him. "I-I know somewhere" SeokJin says, shyly. "Could you show us?" I ask, and he nods. "Over here" he says, pulling my hand to a nearby house. "This is my house, it's safe" he says, pointing to a light pinkish house. He enters and motions for us to come, and we do.

"Joonie??" He yells... "I'm back" he says. Then we hear footsteps quickly running down the steps. "Jinnie!?... Your back!!! Safely!" A guy shows up, giving SeokJin a bear hug. "Who are they?" The guy asks when he sees us. "They... Saved me...." SeokJin says, looking down at his feet. "Saved?... What happened??" The guy says, with worried eyes. "I almost got eaten... By a guy" SeokJin says, with a shaky voice. "Oh my gosh, Jinne... I told you not to go" the guy says. "Ahem... Care to introduce yourself?" Taehyung says, interrupting their sweet moment.

"Ohh.. Mianhe... I'm NamJoon" the guy, NamJoon says. "Hi, I'm (y/n), this is Taehyung, Kei, Eric, Jimin, and Yoongi" I say. "So you guys saved him?" NamJoon asks, "I did" I say, raising my hand. "Thank you!! I didn't want Jinnie to.. You know" NamJoon says, thanking me. I smile and give him a nod.

"So we're just gonna-" "no.. We're coming with you guys... Cause you saved me..... Thanks" SeokJin says, "oh.. So we'll stay here for a bit?" I question, "yep" SeokJin says with a wide smile. "Finally... Somewhere we can stay" I mentally say. "Thank you SeokJin" I say, giving him a smile.

"No problem"
A/N: hey u guys!!! It's been a while!! I'm sorry it took me a while!! I was kinda busy on Friday and Saturday, then Sunday I had to do my homework... I may not be posting more frequently because my EOGs are coming up soon (EOG is End Of Grade testing)... I have to sleep early and I have to study so forgive me if I don't update!!! Thank you!!! Love you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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