He loves me?

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(Some of the ideas from this chapter are from my dear friend Sophie :) so shout-out to Sophie, 👍 and Payton. Cuz they helped Me proof-read all of this ✨)

(Ok now back to your regularly scheduled gay cringe.)

The sun beamed brightly into Noel's face. He opened his eyes slightly and sat up. He looked at the clock, 7:56.

He said, louder then intended.

He stood up quickly, too quickly. His head started to feel like it was spinning, so he sat back down. He sighed loudly and put his face in his hands. He was gonna be even more late if his head didn't stop hurting.

After a while of sitting there his head finally stopped feeling dizzy. He stood up, slower this time. He stretched his back and walked over to the dresser. He opened it and got out a dress shirt and a red sweater vest. He put on his clothes, including a pair of blue jeans. He grabbed a hairbrush from on top of his dresser and quickly brushed his hair, he set it down and dashed out of his room and down the hall. He grabbed his bag and ran out the door.

On his way to school he saw Micha again. he tried not to stare, but eventually Micha noticed him, before noel could even say hi. Micha ran across the street, almost getting hit by a car. And came to stand beside him.

"Good morning noel gruber!"

"Oh- hi micha"

Micha smiled brightly at him. Noel blushed and awkwardly looked away.

"You okay?"
Micha asked in a genuinely concerned tone,

"Yeah im fine,"
Noel started picking at his nails, as he always did when he got nervous.
Noel took a deep breath to calm himself down slightly.

"Why are you so nice to me?"
Noel asked with as much confidence as he could muster

"You look like you needed friend"
Micha smiled at him

Noel felt very touched. The Ukrainian transfer student with a history of violence was being nice to him! He smiled back and they continued walking. It was a surprisingly cold day even when the sun was out. School supplied them with uniforms and nothing else.

After a while noel expected himself to daze out again and magically appear in the school yard. But for some reason he never did.

Micha got out a pair of old headphones and put them on, he plugged them into an old ipod. He put the ipod in his pocket and continued walking.

"What are you listening to?"

"Highway to hell."

"What's that?"

Micha took the headphones off and put them on Noel's head.
It was a loud and screechy song. He wasn't a big fan of this type of music, but this song was nice.

"So, what do you think?"

"I like it!"
"You have surprisingly good taste in music"


Noel took off the headphones and handed them back to Micha.

After a long while of waking they finally arrived at school. Noel glanced around the large green yard that was behind St.cassian's. it was recess time already, It had taken about an hour and a half to get here.

In the distance noel saw a familiar cloud of smoke and three silhouettes. John, smith and Rebecca. John had a bruised jaw and smith stayed slightly behind Rebecca. John looked annoyed and smug.

"Well if it isn't the little faggot and his boyfriend."

"He's not my b-"
Before noel could finish his sentence, Micha had high-kicked John in the face. The kid fell backwards with his nose and lower jaw bleeding. The kid was stunned, but seconds later he started sobbing loudly. All the kids in the yard turned to see John, who was crying on the ground. And micha, who had blood on his shoe.

Gay Teens In Highschool (Ride The Cyclone) (GOING TO BE REWRITTEN SOON)Where stories live. Discover now