Don't leave me..

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((filler chapter<3))

There was a loud screeching sound... Sparks flew left and right as there was a feeling of weightlessness... And then a drop... The drop they had all been waiting for.. being the last one they'd ever know...

Noel opened his eyes suddenly, waking from his nightmare and turning his head to see Mischa, who was still tightly holding onto his torso. He smiled at the boy, there was no better way to wake up then in his arms.

He glanced out the window, noticing it was mid-day, he gently nudged Mischa with his elbow, the other teen let go of Noel's waist in response.

He thought about things for a minute.. (as he usually did when he was left to his own devices) and remembered what he would have to tell Mischa.. he sighed and sat up, shifting himself so his legs touched the cold concrete floor, he stood up and glanced back at the boy behind him.

Eventually he decided to wait for him to wake up, he didn't wanna fall asleep again but he didn't wanna stand there awkwardly either, so he sat back down on the couch, whispering slightly

"Misch, you gotta wake up love,"

Mischa groaned in response, having heard him but not wanting to wake up.

"C'mon.. I know you don't want to but we gotta get up."

"Then you can get up..."
Mischa muttered slightly

"Well I would, but I'm not going anywhere without you."
"And there's uh- something important you should know.."

Mischa sat up quickly, now being alert

"Well uhm...."
"I'm.... Moving.."

Mischa tried to say, however instead he yelled it.

"I-im sorry okay!? It's not in my contro-"
He was cut off by Mischa hugging him,

"Please don't leave me.."
He heard the other boy mumble slightly

"It's not in my hands to decide.."
"I'm sorry....."

Mischa remained silent, hugging him tightly. noel felt as if he was gonna break his ribs but he knew how Mischa felt, he returned the hug.. the two gay teens sat in silence, embracing eachother with Mischa's face buried in noel's chest.

"...where are you even going...?" Mischa muttered slightly


"..can you take me with you...?"

noel remained silent, lord knows he desperately did want to take him, but he couldn't. the plane tickets were pricey enough as it was, he sighed. holding back tears.

" im sorry.."

Mischa went quiet, Noel was confused for a moment but soon realised he was quietly sobbing.. desperately clinging onto noel as if that would make him stay..

Noel didn't know what to say, he continued hugging Mischa, since that seemed to be atleast mildly comforting for the poor Ukrainian..

He thought for a moment, finally having an idea as to what to do.

"Well uhm... The fall fair is in town, pretty sure the choir is going there this Monday.. you wanna go with me, like a date or somthing-?"

"Sure.. that sounds dope."
Mischa took his face out of Noel's chest, smiling at him.. still with misty red eyes.

They continued holding eachother, nothing else was important right now... Choir can wait.. school can wait...... The fall fair can wait..... Everything can wait....

Because all that mattered was them.


you know where this is going >:))


Gay Teens In Highschool (Ride The Cyclone) (GOING TO BE REWRITTEN SOON)Where stories live. Discover now