𝟎𝟐, the eyes give it all away

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II. 1919

"What about 'seven letter word, causing or feeling uneasy embarrassment or inconvenience'?" Vivian asked Harry, as he swept the floor. She was sat in a booth with her feet up on the table, doing a crossword. She was never a fan of crosswords but she was often found challenging herself with one. But never, ever, has she completed one without a little bit of help.

"Vivian, You've asked me 'bout twenty. Do it yourself or not at all." He sighed as he swept up after last night's mess. It was early in the morning and the Garrison was yet to open. Earlier, he had found Vivian asleep in the booth and he made the terrible mistake of giving her the newspaper.

She scoffed at him, "I've only asked you eighteen." She looked back down trying to figure out twenty-one across. She tapped the pencil against her temple, as the Garrison door squeaked open and a pretty woman in a green dress appeared. Probably a whore. She took note of her posture and behaviour. It was very professional, so maybe not a whore.

Vivian always remembered the many things Polly would tell her, "you can tell a lot from someone's behaviour, playing with their hands, lack of eye contact, any little signs" and this woman looked confident — but a little uncertain —, even though she did not fit in.

"I'm here about the job of the barmaid." She spoke confidently, walking toward Harry, who was only just aware of her presence. She wasn't the kind of woman you'd see looking for a job in a place like the Garrison, thats for sure.

"Are you mad?" Harry said, taking the cigarette out of his mouth, exhaling the smoke. Vivian eyed the lady, confused and insulted she looked, "Am I what?" She asked.

"Do you know about this place?" Harry spoke, gesturing to the pub around him, but knowing the the context, he was gesturing to Small Heath. She was new to town and it was obvious but she held her ground.

"I saw it in an advertisement."

"Job's been filled." He said, the job wasn't filled. He got back to sweeping god knows what, hoping she'd go away.

"But it was in yesterday's paper" why would you want to work place like this? Out of all the pubs, as well as jobs, in Small Heath, there were definitely safer options for women.

"Believe me, love, I'm doing you a favour." Harry tried to convince the woman. Harry was struggling with the men some nights, and he needed help, it was as clear as day. Vivian had offer to help during war but when the boys came back, they didn't like her around the busy pub. They didn't want her to be a liability.

"I'm not asking for favours, I'm asking for employment." She spoke back to the barman, she didn't sound desperate in a pathetic way. Why was she so eager? There are other pubs in need of help.

"You're too . . . nice." Harry explained, not too convincingly.

"How would you know?" She snapped.

"Too pretty." He answered more honestly, "They'd have you against a wall."

"Just give 'er a chance." Vivian voice spoke up, making herself known to the the Irish woman. "You're new, in need of a job."  She watched her as she walked towards the pair, until pointing at Harry, "and you need a barmaid." She jumped up on to the table near the two and sitting down, swinging her legs.

𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄 ᵖᵉᵃᵏʸ ᵇˡⁱⁿᵈᵉʳˢWhere stories live. Discover now