𝟐𝟎, i have a memory

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XX. December 3, 1919

Ada remembered when Finn held John's gun, down by the canal and she got the fright of her life when she almost got shot.

She was frightened again, but not at the fact she could of got shot but at the fact that someone else actually got shot.

Tom touched his shoulder, only for his own blood to stain his hand. The blood dripped off his hand and onto the gravel, and the sound of shouting and gunshots felt distant to him. Tommy was shot.

Danny Owen was shot, and fell to the ground as blood bled through his white shirt.

Freddie watched his wife and son as they were almost shot but remained in his spot with his gun held high, ready to protect them.

Ada looked to her sister as blood leaked from her side. Vivian stared at the pram where her nephew cried and sister. She was standing right beside it. Her sister grabbed her arm making sure she was okay and it was then she saw the blood pouring.

Ada looked at Kimber's boy and then Tommy's to see which gun had shot the bullet that pierced through her little sister's skin.

Everyone's voice rung through the street but Vivian couldn't make out a word. She stared at the ground. She saw the blood and knew that she was shot but what ever fucked voice that was in her head urged her to touch the wound. And stupidly she did and hurt more than she thought.

She groaned in pain as she looked at her sister, looking for help, she was a trained nurse after all.

And then another gunshot rang out, "Enough!" Her brother's voice sounded, "Kimber and me fought this battle one on one. It's over. Go home to your families." No one argued as they lowered there guns.

Vivian stared at Danny, who lay on the dirt, dead. He wasn't going home to his family, she thought. His eyes were shut closed and his blood mixed with the mucky water that cover the dirty streets. The two sisters dressed in black watched as the two men took his dead body away.

She then felt someone turn her away. It was her uncle Charlie. She stared at him a Monet before his eyes landed on the crimson red stain. His eyes widened but he kept cool as he guided her toward the Garrison.

She squirmed and cried as she leant on the wound. He spoke to her as if she were fine, trying to distract her it seemed, like when he guided her home after seeing her mother, lifeless in the canal.

Ada stayed behind with Freddie and Karl, and her brother made there way unaware of her sister's fresh wound.

Before entering the pub, Vivian stopped. She stared again at the doors. Charlie stood there waiting for her to move further. He tried to pull her gently through the doors, but her feet didn't budge until she turned and leaned against a crate.

Her uncle watched her. He knew there was a bullet that needed out and it wasn't helping that she was putting it off.

She looked at the frosted glass before she heard Tom's screams and groans as well as Arthur and Jeremiah speaking to him.

"Come on Viv, it ain't good." He spoke in his familiar deep voice.

"Just a minute." She breathed, before letting out a cry. She tried to silence it.

"No, Vivian." He tried before the young couple came up.

Ada gazed at her sister again, "You go in, I'll get her." Her sister said, stepping toward her, "Vi, you need to come in, it will hurt but it will make it better." She was bent down in fornt of her as the two men stood back, hesitating to go in.

𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄 ᵖᵉᵃᵏʸ ᵇˡⁱⁿᵈᵉʳˢWhere stories live. Discover now