𝟏𝟕, revenge and raids

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XVII. 1919

Vivian sat in her bed, back against the headboard, watching as the smoke escaped her mouth. She was getting sick of staying in bed all the time but she didn't want to see anyone. Talking to people was tiring and she was not in the mood for pity looks or questions.

It had been a few days and since she last saw Ryan — that's a lie. It had been a few days since she spoke to Ryan. It was meant to come by but Finn had told her that Kol told Isaiah to tell him that Ryan had been busy which

Her aunt checked on her less frequently than before and she was incredibly grateful for that. She mostly came in when there was news to tell. She mentioned some things about Ada and her worries and talk business.

Tom had came in and she didn't have enough to pretend to sleep. Luckily he kept the conversation light and mostly about business.

He mentioned Grace, and she knew the moment her name left his mouth, that he didn't mean to bring her up. But her duty as a sister had to be fulfilled so she annoyed him with his crush and the fact that she framed her.

That was enough to make him leave her for the rest of the day.

Now that Polly didn't stop by her room as often, Finn had spent sometime in her company, either coming in with sweets, cards or some gossip, which the girl always appreciated. He wasn't the best at picking up the right information though.

All of a sudden, she was interrupted when she heard his heavy feet running up the stairs, and she knew he was going to barge in to her room. And she was right. The door flung open and he ran up to the bed, looking at her, catching his breath.

"Finn, didn't even hear you come in." She said calmly, watching as bits of ash fell onto her, "what do you want?"

"Ryan is downstairs." He spoke, "And I heard something."

"Is he coming up, and what did you hear Finn?"

"I heard the sweet shop is closing down because the owner is having 'issues' — thats's aunt Pol said — but the reason he is leaving is because his daughter is having a baby. I thought he was leaving because his daughter and the baby and all that but then I thought Ada had a baby and she married Freddie so why can't she do that?" He spoke dramatically, "Until I heard someone in the den, saying the baby's dad is Benton's dad."

"and Ryan might be coming up, he was talking to Polly." He added.

She glanced at her brother, "Rory Benton's dad?" She asked but before her answer was confirmed, someone spoke up.

"Could I talk to Vivian, Finn?" The Jones boy interrupted drearily.

His hands were stuff in his pockets, probably to stop him from fidgeting but he shifted on his feet anyway. He didn't smile or make a little joke like he did often. He wasn't in his usually mood and it was rather unsettling for the girl. She guessed what he was going to say.

"Yeah, must be important. Called her Vivian and you asked me in that way? So definitely a serious conversation I want no part in." Finn hopped off the bed and walked out. Ryan patted him on the back on the way out.

The boy slowly walked over to the chair many had sat in the past few days and pulled it over close to the bed.

Taking his seat in front of her, she stubbed out her cigarette. She turned to face him, giving him her full attention. He kept his eyes down as he stared down at his hands.

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