𝟏𝟐, strange

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XII. 1919

Janet and Vivian had dragged the three boys out for the night. Scott was the easiest the get out of the house, especially with a house full of girls. And Isaiah was the hardest drag out for the night because he was in a mood after some girl bullied him the whole of the previous day — that girl being Vivian. Ryan just wanted away from Kol after they got into a fight.

The girls were already drunk when they knocked on each of their friends' doors. Luckily it wasn't Kol, Jeremiah or Scott's mother who answered the door when they appeared at dusk.

The Greene girl had her arms linked with the Shelby girl while the boys hung behind. When they made it to the Golden, it was packed with people, just as drunk the girls.

"I'm so drunk." Janet sang as they approached the bar for more drinks.

"Really? I feel so sober." Vivian slurred, giggling as she leaned against Scott who had been holding her up since they had walked through the doors.

Isaiah laughed at them as they spoke to the bartender who tried to figure out what they wanted, as the two ranted on about different liquors. Soon Ryan ordered and Scott down put down some coins. The bartender didn't have time to collect the money before Ryan shoved them back to the Gilbert boy and payed with his own money. The girls were too drunk to notice but Isaiah didn't miss the dirty look the Jones boy gave Scott.

They found an empty booth — well it was empty now after Vivian fell into the seat beside one of the men and whisper something in his ear. The men beside him watched as his smirk dropped and he muttered his apologies, "So sorry Ms. Shelby." and he dragged his mates out of the booth with him.

"What did you say to him?" Janet laughed beside her as the boys took their seats. Vivian didn't answer as she shrugged, grinning. So far, between the two girls, they probably had three bottle of whiskey, and now they were downing another glass.

After the girls, Isaiah was probably the loudest of the night. He was the drunkest of the boys, Scott not far behind. Ryan downed whiskey after whiskey and yet remained in a horrible mood.

Isaiah ended up dancing with Vivian, and Scott with Janet while Ryan had found Margaret who he met there a few weeks ago. She couldn't count the amount of times Isaiah twirled her but it was enough for her to end up throwing up over the toilet bowl. He held her hair back. The Jesus boy couldn't help but laugh as she laughed at herself.

"Isaiah, shut up." She cried although she continued to laugh as well. She felt her hair drop to her shoulders and the shadow disappeared from beside. She door behind her opened and closed behind her, "That bastard left me." She said to herself.

She sat on the dirty bathroom floor with her head against the wall. It was about five minutes after Isaiah left, that he came back, this time with Scott and a glass of clear liquid. The two crouched down beside her, one handing her the glass.

"I'll stay, you go back." Scott said to his friend.

"You sure?" Isaiah said, looking between the two. Scott didn't answer, only nodded to the door, patting the Jesus boy on the back as he went.

"Drink." He said as he tilted the glass up to her mouth.

"Sorry, didn't expect to get this drunk." She laughed, pulling the glass from her face. Scott pushed some loose strands behind her ear.

𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄 ᵖᵉᵃᵏʸ ᵇˡⁱⁿᵈᵉʳˢWhere stories live. Discover now