𝟎𝟓, 'til death do us part

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V. 1919

"Vivian, get up, come on, get ready." Vivian rolled on over, now facing her sister, seeing her sister in a white dress, it was their mother's. Vivian's eyes were sore and still adjusting to the light. She rubbed her eyes, having the feeling they were glued shut.

Ada's bump was showing and every day she got more and more cravings, which meant when Ada was home she'd go through Vivian's secret stash, which was the worst thing about the pregnancy. But she couldn't blame Ada, so she blamed the demon inside her. "Ready for what?" Vivian groaned, still not getting up, despite her sister throwing clothes over her.

"I'm getting married. Today." She spoke, now getting shoes, trying to find a decent pair. Vivian only hoped she wouldn't find the blue high heeled shoes that she had stole from Ada a few months ago. They were stuffed in the back of the wardrobe

"Who you marrying?" Vivian groaned finally pushing herself up, rubbing her eyes. She stretched her arms, feeling the stiffness.

"Freddie, you idiot." She chuckled at her sister. I was too early for this, she thought as she recalled.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that." Vivian said, seeing the dress Ada had picked out for her, and the shoes, God were they uncomfortable. But it was her sister's day, so she must suck it up and get on with it. "Why am I going? And why so early?"

"Stop asking so many bloody questions. You're my sister and I want you to be there . . . and we need like a witness, so come and get ready." Ada then left, leaving the youngest sister to adjust to the early morning light that shone through her window. She stood up, stumbling a bit at first.

Once dressed, she took a minute before she had to go out and start the day. Just breathe but it was no use. She didn't sleep well last night, as her insomnia kept her up all night. She stared at the darkness under her eyes, and then set eyes on her hair. She ran her fingers through her thick hair, but every so often she'd get her finger caught in a knot. She cursed herself for not brushing it before bed. Eventually, she pulled two pieces from the front to the back, out if her face.

And on mornings like these she needed a cure, so she could carry on with her day, Tokyo. But she couldn't be high on her sister's day but she also couldn't be a depressed pile of shit too, and high was better that upsetting Ada, so drugs it was.

"Finally. Come on." Ada grabbed her hand, as she dragged her sister down the lane. Ada now had a veil and a bouquet to finish the wedding look. They ran, mostly Ada and Vivian was being pulled along. The whole way she was smiling, Vivian was happy for her sister. At one point, she thought Ada might pass out, but she didn't stop. She applauded her sister for running in heels, pregnant too. She didn't trip once.

"Ada, what the hell." They heard Freddie say as Ada ran ahead, Vivian slowing down, giving them some space. She didn't listen to them, not wanting to hear some sappy crap this early in the fucking morning, she didn't even know what time it was, but she knew it was too fucking early when there was no one out on the streets.

"I love you" they kissed. It was romantic, but too romantic for Vivian, turning away from the couple, which seemed to be something she did every time she saw them, which was not often. "Still here" Vivian muttered, but the couple did not hear.

"I love you too. The more they try and stop us, the madder I'll be."

She turned back when she heard her name, seeing Freddie looking between his future wife and future sister-in-law. "What's Vivian doing here?" Her future brother-in-law questioned, with a confused impression. The younger sister shrugged, not too bothered as Ada went to answer.

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