𝟎𝟒, idiots, monsters and new friends

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IV. 1919

Her shoes hovered over the water as she swing her legs, sitting on the edge of the canal. She stare into space, zoning out. Her brother had lectured her about keeping secrets, going on and on about how he needs to know things so he can protect them, to keep them out of trouble, which translates to: "I need to know so I can control you".

Yes, it was important but it was Ada's secret and she was happy, which hadn't been a common thing since the days before she'd wait for the postman to deliver a letter from the boys, or a message informing them of their passing. Ada bottled it all up, all the sadness and anger and tried to stay strong for the family. But now, Vivian saw the smile on her face before sneaking away to meet Freddie. She missed her sister's smile.

Thomas took all the anger he had, out on her. And she didn't understand why she was getting the brunt end of the stick, when she wasn't the one that slept with his ex best friend. Every time she tried to fight back or defend herself or their sister, he would interrupt her. So all she could do was stand there, and when he was done, she took her leave.

Now here she was, staring into the navy sky. You could barely see the faint stars sparkling in the night. She sat there for about half an hour before she decided to get up and stretch her legs a bit.

She strayed to the old stable near the end of the yard, where she had hid her secret stash. Only Finn knew where it was, as did Ada but she probably forgot years ago after showing her younger sister. The area was by the side of the old stable, under a couple of stray crates.

When she made it to the old stable, she notice a lock on it; it was rusty, but definitely cleaner and newer than the others in the yard. It was intriguing. She wondered why there'd be a lock on an empty space ad why she didn't notice it before — if it even was there before. Probably a new shipment of whiskey or cigarettes or whatever Blinder business seemed to take place around the city.

Vivian gone round the side, looking and finding a random brick. She looking at the padlock before hitting it over and over again, until it came apart. She kicked the pieces into the side before sliding the heavy door open, enough for her to slip through.

It was dark, as she slid over a bit. She fished out a match box that she had swiped before leaving her brother alone. Her fingers fumbled around the box taking one out and scratching it off the side of the box, but she failed. She turned to the door, using the faint light source from outside to see what she was doing. Finally she struck the match on the right side causing the match to ignite.

The match wasn't much help as she almost ran into a wall. She waving the match around the wall until she realised it was a huge crate. She began to investigate, curious. She was nosey but if it was blinder business, then it was Shelby business which meant it was her business. She walked around the side, seeing the black paint. She read 'B.S.A'.

"Oh shit" she muttered to herself, as she made her way to the front of the crate. She got a rust pipe and hit the edge of the crate over and over again until it opened revealing boxes. Vivian crouched down and pulled on a rope handle near the bottom, pulling until she almost fell back. It held a gun, a Lewis machine gun. She stared at it for a moment, then looked to the other compartments.

After minutes of looking she had see rifles, pistol and shells. There was another crates in the stable, very certain containing the same. She had spaced out again, stunned.

"What the fuck 'as he done now" she muttered again.

She traced her finger over one of the riffles. Her mind was racing. Tommy, she thought, Tommy Shelby would be this fucking stupid. Having fuck knows how many firearms he'd be arrested, he'd have a noose 'round his neck.

𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄 ᵖᵉᵃᵏʸ ᵇˡⁱⁿᵈᵉʳˢWhere stories live. Discover now