𝟏𝟎, war or peace

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X. 1919

"Hello sister" she said as she popped out of an alleyway. Vivian had waited outside the bathhouse for a while, well over an hour. She saw Ada sneak in wearily and decided she should let her be until after, giving her some peace.

"How the fuck did you find me?" Looking around as she dragged her sister into the alley again. Ada was heavily pregnant and all this worrying about getting found was not good for her or the baby at all.

"It wasn't that hard." She spoke. Ada looked at her to explain further, "How are you?" She asked the woman.

"I'm good- do the others know where I am?" Ada asked wearily.

The girls shook her head, "I'm not sure. I think Tom could know but I'm not sure. I just wanted to see what you were up to."  She said to the nervous woman in front of her. Ada didn't speak as she looked at her younger sister with confusion spread across her face. It was obvious that she wanted to say something but no words came out.

"Want some tea? Kol and Ryan have been out of town for a few days, so I've been looking after the house." Vivian didn't give Ada a chance to answer before she cut down made her way to the gate at the end of the alleyway, which led to the back of a row of houses. She heard her sister sigh loudly as she followed her.

They didn't speak much as they made their way to the Jones residence. They hadn't seen each other in weeks and it was no lie that Vivian missed her. At first she hated the fact that Ada was distancing herself from the family but when she saw her sister head over heels with the Thorne man, she felt happy for her.

They were always there for each other, no matter what. Even when Ada would lock herself away from everyone, she would only let Vivian in and she'd do anything to make her older sister laugh. And when Vivian was upset, Ada would dance with her until she couldn't stop laughing.

"Stop walking so fucking fast." Ada hissed, still cautious of the people around, "my feet are killing me." Her sister added quietly.

"Well that's what you get for being pregnant." But she slowed down none the less, now walking beside her.

"If you're leading me to them-" she breathed out.

"Now why would I do that?" Vivian scoffed, her tone unreadable but kept looking ahead, making sure no blinder was in site, "In here." She said as they move down a side alley. Vivian pushed a gate open, holding it open for her sister. They made their way through the small garden and to the backdoor. Getting the key from her pocket, the door opened with a loud creak.

As Ada walked in first, her younger sister noticed the way she scanned the room and peaked her head down the hallway.

"Whiskey?" Vivian asked her sister, who now sat at the table.

"I'm pregnant." She stated, staring at her sister.

"And I'm 17, life goes on." She said, getting a plate and a tin, "tea instead?" She spoke, turning to her sister. Ada nodded, as Vivian got some biscuits out of the tin and placed them on the plate.

The girl put the kettle over the stove before she went to lit the fire, "So how's married life?" She asked.

"Normal." Ada replied in a low tone. Vivian sensed the tone and didn't push any further. 

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